I've been away for a while and im thinking about running a cylce


bro im like 3% bf i swear
225 lbs
29 years old

What's the popular stuff right now?

Im not into tren so please don't mention it.

I don't want to do a test only.

Probly wanna go with 2 long ester injectables and a kick start oral.

I don't care for deca. I read journals discussing the longterm effects of the deca ester increasing cardiac hypertrophy.

So... my fav is test/npp/drol kick/var finish... or halo kick
I don't care for deca. I read journals discussing the longterm effects of the deca ester increasing cardiac hypertrophy.

So... my fav is test/npp/drol kick/var finish... or halo kick

Why do you like NPP but not Deca? You really think the ester will make a difference to your heart? I would be interested in seeing anything you have read on that if it is convenient to post.
Why do you like NPP but not Deca? You really think the ester will make a difference to your heart? I would be interested in seeing anything you have read on that if it is convenient to post.

Yeah NPP and Deca are the same exact compound. It's like comparing test prop to test E. Still test just a different ester.
I don't know guys but I see a huge difference how my body reacts and sides I get from tren a compared to tren e. To me it's like tren a I get SD and tren e I get anavar lol
Why do you like NPP but not Deca? You really think the ester will make a difference to your heart? I would be interested in seeing anything you have read on that if it is convenient to post.

Deca ester can continue releasing in the blood stream for +6 months. Continued AAS release can enlarge your heart. Why take the risk. Run NPP instead, get all the benefits and limited neg sides. I looked around for the scholarly journal, I posted on another forum I don't go to anymore. I'll try to locate that... I used nandro deca often, until I read the article... scary stuff.
Deca ester can continue releasing in the blood stream for +6 months. Continued AAS release can enlarge your heart. Why take the risk. Run NPP instead, get all the benefits and limited neg sides. I looked around for the scholarly journal, I posted on another forum I don't go to anymore. I'll try to locate that... I used nandro deca often, until I read the article... scary stuff.

I get what you are trying to say about the Deca hanging around longer. I will be using NPP next cycle, but not for those reasons. The NPP kicking in a lot faster could also start the issues you allude to earlier in the cycle as opposed to the Deca that hangs around and does it later. Anyways, maybe you are on to something, but we will never have a scientific study comparing the effects of Deca as opposed to NPP on the heart. Any info we get will be bro science and conjecture coming from guys like you and me on a forum. Thanks for the info on Deca though, and I am going to also look to see if I can find the original article.
I don't know guys but I see a huge difference how my body reacts and sides I get from tren a compared to tren e. To me it's like tren a I get SD and tren e I get anavar lol

For something as harsh as tren I believe that a short ester is much smarter because if shit goes wrong you can just drop it immediately. Are you saying you like tren E or A better?
I get what you are trying to say about the Deca hanging around longer. I will be using NPP next cycle, but not for those reasons. The NPP kicking in a lot faster could also start the issues you allude to earlier in the cycle as opposed to the Deca that hangs around and does it later. Anyways, maybe you are on to something, but we will never have a scientific study comparing the effects of Deca as opposed to NPP on the heart. Any info we get will be bro science and conjecture coming from guys like you and me on a forum. Thanks for the info on Deca though, and I am going to also look to see if I can find the original article.

Trying to login to the forum and copy /paste the article. Login is not working, I'll get that up asap. : ))

Yup... as far as medical journals comparing Phenylprop to deca ester... prolly not gna happen, but with the given info you can make an educated deduction.
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For something as harsh as tren I believe that a short ester is much smarter because if shit goes wrong you can just drop it immediately. Are you saying you like tren E or A better?

Tren a by far i can see visual changes Daily Tren e is just mehh and i get bad high BP to me there is a huge difference same hormone but different imo
225 lbs
29 years old

What's the popular stuff right now?

Im not into tren so please don't mention it.

I don't want to do a test only.

Probly wanna go with 2 long ester injectables and a kick start oral.


Depends on what your goals are and what your diet is like.. Depends on if your on trt or if you need to do a pct.
Again, depends on goals. Sounds like your wanting to run multiple compounds or mix things up a bit.

Test e - 500-600 mg weeks 1-14
Test p - 100 mg eod - weeks 1-5
NPP - 500+ mg - weeks 1-14
Want to throw in an oral - var 40-50 mg daily weeks 8-14,, or dbol 40 mg weeks 1-5

Just throwing stuff out there,, but your goals and diet are gonna dictate the type of cycle and what you get out of it
Hey clman good to see you back. I have been away for awhile myself as u can see i have to come back as another incarnation of my inhuman. If u are looking for bulk and are thinking of running awhile add some boldenone cyp to the cycle at around 600 to 800 mg per week. Im currently just running test p and dbol cause of money issues but when i can afford it Im gonna run a bulk with bold cyp. Ive ran deca and npp and dont get the desired effects from either. dbol gives me joint relief. floods me with lubricating h2o.
There are numerous studies showing deca to induce cardiac hypertrophy - all in rats.
The idea that this side effect is exclusive to deca would be false anyway since here is another animal study showing dbol to do the exact same thing:

Oxidative stress and myocardial dysfunction in young rabbits after short term anabolic steroids administration

There are NO human studies PROVING (not just a correlation) this dangerous side effect to somehow be exclusive to deca.
Again, cardiac hypotrophy is NOT exclusive to deca - the studies show it to be due to high dose, constant steroid use in general.

Although most studies suggest only an association between AAS use & cardiac hypertrophy, IMO there is more than enough anecdotal evidence to suggest this is a serious issue.
I've seen a few posts over the last few days of people blaming other substances exclusively for this problem - don't be so naïve :)
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Depends on what your goals are and what your diet is like.. Depends on if your on trt or if you need to do a pct.
Again, depends on goals. Sounds like your wanting to run multiple compounds or mix things up a bit.

Test e - 500-600 mg weeks 1-14
Test p - 100 mg eod - weeks 1-5
NPP - 500+ mg - weeks 1-14
Want to throw in an oral - var 40-50 mg daily weeks 8-14,, or dbol 40 mg weeks 1-5

Just throwing stuff out there,, but your goals and diet are gonna dictate the type of cycle and what you get out of it

A beautiful cycle my friend.
I don't know guys but I see a huge difference how my body reacts and sides I get from tren a compared to tren e. To me it's like tren a I get SD and tren e I get anavar lol

Were they from the same source?

You might have got underdosed Tren on one of your runs...

I can't see how the ester would change anything...
There are numerous studies showing deca to induce cardiac hypertrophy - all in rats.
The idea that this side effect is exclusive to deca would be false anyway since here is another animal study showing dbol to do the exact same thing:

Oxidative stress and myocardial dysfunction in young rabbits after short term anabolic steroids administration

There are NO human studies PROVING (not just a correlation) this dangerous side effect to somehow be exclusive to deca.
Again, cardiac hypotrophy is NOT exclusive to deca - the studies show it to be due to high dose, constant steroid use in general.Although most studies suggest only an association between AAS use & cardiac hypertrophy, IMO there is more than enough anecdotal evidence to suggest this is a serious issue.
I've seen a few posts over the last few days of people blaming other substances exclusively for this problem - don't be so naïve :)

Thank you... you just validated my point. If AAS (compounds) cause CH (cardiac hypertrophy) can you make the connection that an ester releasing AAS for over 6 months might be more volatile?

Its nothing to argue about bro...unless you have a patent on deca. lol

just want bros o be safe. being naïve is believing aas use is not dangerous.

BTW, I never claimed effect was exclusive to deca ester.
Were they from the same source?

You might have got underdosed Tren on one of your runs...

I can't see how the ester would change anything...

Yup same source multiple sources i never have liked the feeling or look i get from tren e. I have good sources too my friends that are leaner blow up off the same tren as me. I know its hard to believe a guy that carrys alot bf but i get good tren lol
A beautiful cycle my friend.

It's a cycle that should work for various types of goals IMO.. Some might say they would "bloat" on such a cycle,, but bloating has more to do with controlling e2 and your diet then it does with the compound itself