I've been on Dbol for over four years now


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I've been taking 50mg a day of ****** for a little over 4 years. Just had blood work done...No issues. I'm 45 and in the best shape of my life. Have run multiple cycles over the last 28 years. Have had the best results just staying on Dbol. I really think the toxicity fear is blown way out of proportion.
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Congratulations. Your absolutely not the norm. So please don't go to preaching to the masses that you're an authority on the safe use of anabolics
I call bullshit!

Let's see your bloodwork.

Sure hope you are /were using test. Impossible to be in best shape of your life with no testosterone production.
I've been taking 50mg a day of *******l for a little over 4 years. Just had blood work done...No issues. I'm 45 and in the best shape of my life. Have run multiple cycles over the last 28 years. Have had the best results just staying on Dbol. I really think the toxicity fear is blown way out of proportion.

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I heard way back Arnold ran 10 mg d bol almost all the time...I can t confirm or deny this...if ur serious u r lucky. Verification would add vailidty to these claims though and if so good for u.

We try to dissuade oral only cycle s so please do not start or try to...a new oral only subterfuge movement. It s worked for u..if so..it s rare.

Hang around.

Post a pic...I do and I m old as dirt.

I heard way back Arnold ran 10 mg d bol almost all the time...I can t confirm or deny this...if ur serious u r lucky. Verification would add vailidty to these claims though and if so good for u.

We try to dissuade oral only cycle s so please do not start or try to...a new oral only subterfuge movement. It s worked for u..if so..it s rare.

Hang around.

Post a pic...I do and I m old as dirt.

Lol. He is defiantly old school huh T? Aint nothing wrong with that tho...the old part that is;-)
I've been taking 50mg a day of ****** for a little over 4 years. Just had blood work done...No issues. I'm 45 and in the best shape of my life. Have run multiple cycles over the last 28 years. Have had the best results just staying on Dbol. I really think the toxicity fear is blown way out of proportion.

Damn, I know I'd be PISSED if I spent four years buying bunk dbol!


I do know Mr Schwarzenegger got new kidney s in the late 80 s.....

You say he did get new kidney,!?!? Damn, that'll make Ya think. Guess it coulda been do to something other than dbol, idk. Although 10mgs a day seems like a really low dose, almost not even noticeable. Hmmm
FML lol! Now we'll have a bunch of 19 year olds citing this thread like a Pub Med article every time they want to do an oral only cycle.
Your saying that's the only way his liver hasn't packed up n moved out right!?

I'm saying he's trolling.

50mg of legit dbol will have your calves splitting, your abs screaming, and best of luck getting to sleep with those back muscles as hard as oak without an ass-ton of taurine.

Putting up with that for four weeks is one thing, but four YEARS? Yeah my bs meter is pegged in the stinker zone. ;)

That and the whole liver toxic thing. :)
I'm saying he's trolling.

50mg of legit dbol will have your calves splitting, your abs screaming, and best of luck getting to sleep with those back muscles as hard as oak without an ass-ton of taurine.

Putting up with that for four weeks is one thing, but four YEARS? Yeah my bs meter is pegged in the stinker zone. ;)

That and the whole liver toxic thing. :)

Lol. Yeah, I see what u mean. LIVER SHUTDOWN! KIDNEYS BY BY. Idk, he still ain't chimed back in has he.
I'm not recommending that anyone do what I've done. Just saying it seems to be working for me. I had really gained a lot of weight...I was up to 276lbs about 4 years ago at 5'8". About equal parts muscle and fat...(If I'm being honest...probably more fat! Lol!) Was finishing up a cycle of Test and Dbol. Decided to start getting serious about my diet. I decided to stay on the Dbol while I was dieting...Just never got off of it. Now I weigh 175lbs. Kept a good bit of muscle size. At 375lbs on bench. I just came on here to share my experience. I'm not saying anyone else should do it.
I'm not going to lie...I do get leg cramps and back spasms at night on occasion. But not enough that I have had to get off of it.
I've just never heard of anyone doing what I've done. Thought I'd post to see if I'm the only one that has stayed on Dbol this long.
I'm in Houston, Texas. Haven't filled out my profile yet. Been working out since I was 12. I've ran about 15 cycles over the years (Not just Dbol cycles either! Lol!)
I was diagnosed with Diabetes when I was over weight. That was the main reason I got serious about my diet. I have to get blood work done every few months. My liver and kidney results have never shown any serious issues over the years.