Jack3d deaths


New member
I read up an article on these two soldiers that was using jack3ed and oxyelite pro
Could it have been that these 2 stimulants mixed together defintely caused it
I had a weird incident using jack3d with body fuse creatine nitrate pills
But just wondering about these guys?
thats horrible, ive been using it for the past 2 months and i honestly love it. Would like to know what else was being used and if/what the soldiers were doing at the time of death.
I've been using it for the past week and I absolutely love the pump
But today I nearly felt like fainting it was weeks I normally take 3 creatine nitrate pills with 3 scoops of jack3d today I took 4 pills with 3 scoops and felt like I was going to die
this just gave me a mild panic attack!

But again god only knows what else they were taking. I personally am weening myself off the jacked. i find it very addictive!
That creatine nitrate really gives an extra kick I'm just going to lower it obviously I just want to know ppls opinion if they feel like jack3d was abused
It could be possible and especially if they were in extreme heat getting dehyrdated using both. Oxy elite did ok for me but jackd for some reason didn't give me anything. I've been hooked on DS Craze for three months straight. It's like crack rocks haha
I dunno how true it is but a buddy told me they were taking 9 scoops and up of jacked which caused that shit

I'm guessing it's because it stops working.... Build up tolerance to jack3d so fast it sucks
Idk If I believe they were actually taking nine scoops, but I cant believe they were taking too much and it caused a problem. It is a stimulant and you can overdose on just about any stimulant. People tend to take things they buy over the counter pretty carelessly which is downright stupid. The supplement industry is completely unregulated.
Don't know about that whole 9 scoops thing, but seriously, did anyone stop to think that maybe these guys weren't in great shape and were using the product irresponsibly? I agree, this is how good supplements get banned :P
I wouldn't recommend Jack3d to anyone, it works awesome, like super crazy awesome, but the caffeine content and contributing factors made me swear off caffeine containing NO for life if possible. I went from lifting 25lbs-50lbs per arm in 5 mths, insane pumps, but panic attacks and "roid rage" ultimately made me stop using it, and that was off 1/2 scoop, saw someone do 9 scoops, then was brought to the hospital after
I wouldn't recommend Jack3d to anyone, it works awesome, like super crazy awesome, but the caffeine content and contributing factors made me swear off caffeine containing NO for life if possible. I went from lifting 25lbs-50lbs per arm in 5 mths, insane pumps, but panic attacks and "roid rage" ultimately made me stop using it, and that was off 1/2 scoop, saw someone do 9 scoops, then was brought to the hospital after

Did you just claim a pre-workout drink gave you "roid rage" and doubled how much you can lift??

WOW people never cease to amaze me.
I have a 7 month old baby, if it werent for jack3d Id strugle on my workouts. People need to realize not everyone reacts to supplements or even vitamins the same. The purpose of this lifestyle is to be healthy, not to be irresponsible. If everyone who used gear was responsible Id bet we could buy gear legally. How long until they pull jack3d off the shelves now.....
Well I went from using Super Pump 250 (a product I barely ever felt taking 2 scoops) to Jack3d (starting on 1 scoop, moving to 2, then to 1/2 scoop).

It was an incredible amount of energy, where I could push and push, and still it wasn't enough. The "roid rage" was the caffeine/schinzandra, on my days off I was normal, but when I was on Jack3d, I would flip out over nothing and tear my house apart... So I do assume that it was the Jack3d as no other NO has done that to me, but then again its pretty much caffeine pills in a container.

And as well, I train pretty hard, going up 5lbs a month is nothing unusual for me.