Jackpot! What to do?

joltan said:
if you already opened it why give it back. he will be pissed either way

Ditto, hope he doesn't find out.:) I personally would just go drop it off at a time I knew he would not be there or they would be asleep so that he wouldn't know you had his goods. I know I would be depressed.
Give it back as Karma will always bite you in the ass, not to mention the fact in actuality you are scamming him out of his gear, and all scammers are pieces of shit in my opinion.

From the replies, I'm going to have to go with the USPS tape and drop it in his box late at night. I have plenty of my own gear, so I really don't need to sustenon. (I mean my friend doesn't...hehehe). If it were me, I'd be pissed it hadn't come, so I'll give him an early gift. Still can't figure out what the hell he needs with all the augmentin (anti-biotic). I'm sure he overpaid for the stuff to begin with.
Give it back... or the next time you/he might get scammed , or your neighbor may get yours/his next time. Bad Karma dude... seriously though....GIVE IT BACK !! You might get rewarded with a source beyond your belief :)
InsuranceMan said:
From the replies, I'm going to have to go with the USPS tape and drop it in his box late at night.
I would walk it to the door personally , you never know what help he could be to you in the future bro.
I'd personally give it to him. If you tape the shit up and slip it in his box, he might think its a controlled delivery.