JozifP103's Osta/s4 run courtesy of SARMSSEARCH!!!

Days 13 & 14

Rest days. Cheated a bit due to a Halloween party. Overall my calories were still low, but on the dirty side. Had a few slices of pizza, a like 6 beers, and some reeses lol. Not to mention the stack of pancakes I had with my steak and eggs saturday morning. I called it a "refeed" day to eliminate some guilt lol.

even with a weekend full of dirty carbs and greasy foods, i remained un-bloated and lean looking. My chest is starting to gain some definition, especially in the lower area. I can tell i'm losing some fat in my chest and stomach and i'm liking it.
Looking good!!

I'm the same way, when I'm on S4, when I have my cheat meals...I swear I wake up looking amazing regardless of the shitty diet I had the day before. Love that feeling
Looking good!!

I'm the same way, when I'm on S4, when I have my cheat meals...I swear I wake up looking amazing regardless of the shitty diet I had the day before. Love that feeling
it's great. i'm pretty sure all the dirty carbs and sugars just wnet straight to my muscles because my muscles were looking full the next day as opposed to being bloated.
Just curious, but you state that you are doing fasted cardio in the am. Does your training immediately follow or are you doing you training in the pm?
Just curious, but you state that you are doing fasted cardio in the am. Does your training immediately follow or are you doing you training in the pm?

training in the PM sir. I could do cardio before/after I train but i find fasting cardio is the best way to directly target the fat.
Just wondering because I try to train in the morning (very early 4:30am) most days. I train fasted because I feel bloated if I eat that early and then hit the gym. I do chug on BCAA's through my training though and try to do my cardio after my training. Then I gobble down a plain white bagel and a 40 gram protein shake with a scoop of amazing grass and psyllium husk.
Just wondering because I try to train in the morning (very early 4:30am) most days. I train fasted because I feel bloated if I eat that early and then hit the gym. I do chug on BCAA's through my training though and try to do my cardio after my training. Then I gobble down a plain white bagel and a 40 gram protein shake with a scoop of amazing grass and psyllium husk.

I'd love to get my training done in the morning, I just can't bring myself to get up that early lol. Plus i meet my father at the gym and i'm his only motivation to go so i'd hate to ditch him in the afternoons and have him lose motivation and stop going.

I used to train at 6 before work when I had a different job it it was fantastic. Made the rest of the day so much better. Still holding onto my lifter's high when I get to work lol.
I'd love to get my training done in the morning, I just can't bring myself to get up that early lol. Plus i meet my father at the gym and i'm his only motivation to go so i'd hate to ditch him in the afternoons and have him lose motivation and stop going.

I used to train at 6 before work when I had a different job it it was fantastic. Made the rest of the day so much better. Still holding onto my lifter's high when I get to work lol.

Yeah, I start work early and it's the best time for me to go. That's cool you have a training partner though. I wish I had one haha. Ok, I'm watching your run man.
Day 15

Blasted my arms today


sitting supinated dumbell curls
25lbs X 15
27.5lbs X 15
30lbs X 12

overhang incline straight bar curls View attachment 559510
50lbs X 15
50lbs X 12
50lbs X 10

dumbell concentration curls with elbow pressed against inner thigh
25lbs X 15
27.5lbs X 15
30lbs X 12

single arm cable hammer curls
50lbs X 15
50lbs X 12
60lbs X 12


cable push downs
80lbs X 12
80lbs X 10
70lbs X 12

sitting cable skull crushers (rope)
70lbs X 12
70lbs X 10
60lbs X 12


reverse curls
40lbs X 12 (3 sets)

behind the back BB wrist curls
135lbs X 12 (3 sets)

Pump was amazing today. arms really starting to look lean. I really liked the way my tris were bulging when doing the pushdowns. Haven't seen that kind of definition in a while. really starting to see some separation in the muscles in my arm. instead of just one big smooth arm.

Bicep and forearms are getting more vascular as well. I was very shocked at how pumped i was walking into the locker room after my workout. I was trying not to spend too much time in the mirror but DAMN!
Day 16


135lbs X 20
185lbs X 15
225lbs X 12
225lbs X 10

Machine leg presses
350lbs X 15
350lbs X 15
410lbs X 12

Leg extensions
150lbs X 20
170lbs X 15
170lbs X 12

standing calf raises
210lbs X 15
210lbs X 15
210lbs X 12

Reps are getting easier and easier. Back feels ok squatting, but i'm not gonna push it by going too heavy. I like repping 225. It's not extremely heavy for me, but i can control my reps to make it feel heavier and get a good pump from it. I've been trying to control my reps and keep them smooth and concentrated. It's working. I literally needed help getting off the couch when i got home. loved every second of it.

Starting to get less and less sore the days following my workouts which leads me to believe the osta/s4 stack is really aiding in my recovery speed (as expected), despite low calories.

all is good :dance2:
Day 17


Laying T bar rows
Regular grip
2 plates X 15
2 plates X 12
2 Plates X 12
Close grip palms inward
1 plate + 25lbs X 15
1 plate + 25lbs X 12
1 plate + 25lbs X 10

cable lat pulldowns (individual arm grips)
100lbs X 15
120lbs X 15
130lbs X 10

Dumbell lawn mower rows
85lbs X 12 (each side)
85lbs X 12
85lbs X 10

sitting close grip cable rows
120lbs X 12
120lbs X 12
130lbs X 8

HS machine back flies
70lbs X 12
70lbs X 12
70lbs X 10

lower back extensions
bodyweight X 20
bodyweight + 25lbs X 15
bodyweight + 25lbs X 12

As you can see, I'm not doing any serious weight. Just this year i've been taking the advice of some member on here and focusing on form, contraction, and tempo. I gotta say, i like it. I really get a good pump when I do controlled movements as opposed to jerking the weight around. My mind to muscle connection has improved tenfold.

Back and bicep pumps were great during this workout. I love the pump these products are giving me. Can't help but spend some time in the locker room mirror lol.

Haven't weighted myself in a while. I will monday morning before my am cardio.
Day 18


Incline dumbell press
80lbs X 15
85lbs X 12
85lbs X 12

Hammer strength iso lateral wide chest
(each side)
2 plates X 15
2 plates X 12
2 plates X 12

Hammer strength iso lateral regular grip chest press
(each side)
70lbs X 15
70lbs X 10
70lbs X 8

Standing cable decline presses
unknown weight (52.7?? kg?? idk..)
X 15
X 12
X 12

standing cable upper chest flys
unknown weight (17.5??)

sitting pec deck flys
130lbs X 15
130lbs X 15
130lbs X 12

YupYupYup. Really havin fun now ladies and gents. Can't get over the pumps im getting on this low carb diet. Usually by now im weak and deflated looking but man i get swole after 2 sets. starting to notice a nice chiseled look in my chest, and can see a few abs when i flex. The fat is melting at a noticeably fast rate.

My diet has been good, but not amazing. I can't honestly say that all my carbs are complex carbs. I'll eat a pancake with butter and syrup(about 20g sugar), or 2 packets of oatmeal, or an everything bagel with cream cheese (about 35g carbs each), in the morning with some eggs or chicken, and then no carbs until i workout which consists of 30g waxymaize powder and 24g whey protein. I drink this immediately before, and into mr workout. Once i finish, i drink another of the same shake during the second half of my workout, finishing it my the time i get home. That's all for carbs. 55 in the am and about 60-70 during/after workout. the rest of my meals are a whole protein and some sort of vegetable.
days 18-19

rest days/birthday weekend
got a hotel for my birthday with my girlfriend. Stayed pretty good with my diet minus a few gin and tonics one night but nothing crazy. Kept my carbs low and protein high and made sure I saved enough calories for a 1/2lb burger with a fried egg and bacon. Woke up saturday morning and couldn't help but do some ab flexes in the mirror. It's been a while since i've seen an ab so i had to wake my girl up and show her. she proceeded to rape me. it was nice.
Hahaha that post made me crack up!

I know that feeling. Before my show last year I saw my abs for the first time in my life. I don't know how many pics I took lol. Such a fun feeling
Hahaha that post made me crack up!

I know that feeling. Before my show last year I saw my abs for the first time in my life. I don't know how many pics I took lol. Such a fun feeling

it certainly is a great feeling. Apparently the girl likes it too lol. Thank you osta/s4 stack for making that moment possible.
Day 20

6am fasted cardio 30 min...

lift in the pm



overhang incline straight bar curls
60lbs X 12
60lbs X 10
60lbs X 8
40lbs X 12

Seated isolation curl machine?View attachment 559557
(each arm)
15lbs X 15
20lbs X 10
20lbs X 10

sitting isolation curls w/ elbow pressed on inner thigh
30lbs X 12
30lbs X 10
30lbs X 10

single cable hammer curls w/ rope
(w/ back to the machine)
50lbs X 15
60lbs X 12
60lbs X 12


v bar cable pushdowns
60lbs X 15
70lbs X 15
80lbs X 12

behind the back single dumbell tricep extensions
75lbs X 15
75lbs X 12
75lbs X 10

seated machine dips
180lbs X 15
180lbs X 15
200lbs X 10

Another successful and fulfilling workout. Solid pump, and stamina was through the roof today. I feel like I could have easily doubled my amount of sets on each workout. One of those days where it's hard to leave but you know you have to so you don't overdo it.

As usual i had to admire my pump for a minute in the locker room. I'm just not used to the "solid" look. I'm more accustomed to a puffy, bulky look so this is new and exciting for me lol. Strength is still right where it was at the end of my bulk cycle. I'd usually be losing some strength post cycle, but jumping on the sarms has kept me strong and full, yet lean. Mind you, i'm on trt so i can jump right on sarms after a cycle, not recommended for someone not on trt.

anywho, i seem to have plateaued in weight loss this week. Down a total of 14lbs so far which includes water loss from my cycle. Not worried about it, i do not think i need to lower my calories anymore than I already have. It could just be that my last 2 weekends were a little sloppy on the diet due to birthday and holidays. All goooooooood.
Day 20

6am fasted cardio 30 min...

lift in the pm



overhang incline straight bar curls
60lbs X 12
60lbs X 10
60lbs X 8
40lbs X 12

Seated isolation curl machine?View attachment 559557
(each arm)
15lbs X 15
20lbs X 10
20lbs X 10

sitting isolation curls w/ elbow pressed on inner thigh
30lbs X 12
30lbs X 10
30lbs X 10

single cable hammer curls w/ rope
(w/ back to the machine)
50lbs X 15
60lbs X 12
60lbs X 12


v bar cable pushdowns
60lbs X 15
70lbs X 15
80lbs X 12

behind the back single dumbell tricep extensions
75lbs X 15
75lbs X 12
75lbs X 10

seated machine dips
180lbs X 15
180lbs X 15
200lbs X 10

Another successful and fulfilling workout. Solid pump, and stamina was through the roof today. I feel like I could have easily doubled my amount of sets on each workout. One of those days where it's hard to leave but you know you have to so you don't overdo it.

As usual i had to admire my pump for a minute in the locker room. I'm just not used to the "solid" look. I'm more accustomed to a puffy, bulky look so this is new and exciting for me lol. Strength is still right where it was at the end of my bulk cycle. I'd usually be losing some strength post cycle, but jumping on the sarms has kept me strong and full, yet lean. Mind you, i'm on trt so i can jump right on sarms after a cycle, not recommended for someone not on trt.

anywho, i seem to have plateaued in weight loss this week. Down a total of 14lbs so far which includes water loss from my cycle. Not worried about it, i do not think i need to lower my calories anymore than I already have. It could just be that my last 2 weekends were a little sloppy on the diet due to birthday and holidays. All goooooooood.

Hmm...Keep an eye on that my friend. Perhaps it's time to shake up the diet a little, or maybe tweak your cardio regimen.

Doing awesome though for sure. Keep it going!
day 21


135lbs X 20
185lbs X 15
225lbs X 12
225lbs X 10

Machine leg presses
350lbs X 15
350lbs X 15
410lbs X 12

Leg extensions
150lbs X 20
170lbs X 15
170lbs X 12

standing calf raises
210lbs X 15
210lbs X 15
210lbs X 12
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