OK guys...im 4 days behind so i'm gonna try to give a brief update.
day 42
chest day. Switched my chest routine up and got back under the flat bench. Was able to get 225 up for 18 reps which is actually better than I could do on my bulk cycle so i'm stronger now on a calorie deficit. I used to get around 15 before i crapped out s4 is really great for strength. Chest is getting a nice shape to it as the fat melts away
days 43 & 44
weekend rest days
Stuck to my traditional weekend diet. Intermittent fasting type diet. Nice big breakfast with steak eggs and pancakes with toast and home fries in the morning, then another meal around 3pm of protein and veggies, and one more in the evening with protein and fats and occasionally veggies. I actually look my best monday mornings after eating like this all weekend.
day 45
Outstanding pumps in the bicep department. frequently trying new arm workouts and it has been beneficial at keeping the pumps strong. My workouts never get stale. I'm noticing some good shaping action going on in my arms.
day 46
Tried a pyramid approach to legs today and i absolutely worked the $h!t out of them. Left the gym so pumped and my legs were swollen. pyramid squats, pyramid leg presses, pyramid leg extensions and calves. It was a struggle to stand up from a sitting position that night.
day 47
been utilizing the behind the head technique with my military press. Seems to hit the top of my delts better. I still do a few sets of front presses to to hit my anterior delts. I love the rounded look my delts get now that i'm leaner. I knew they were hiding under there!
been doing fasting cardio in the am every day for 30mins. Recently i switched to a weighted style of cardio. Basically doing any type of lift at a fast rate to keep my heartrate up. I start with the cardio row machine for about 7 mins to get the heart going, then i'll do something like squat presses with a bar, drop down and do pushups, etc..then i'll go over to the squat rack and do some jump squats, and maybe some pushups or situps in between. Basically circuit training. Trying to switch things up to keep the fat loss going.