Just a beginner that made a not-so-horrible mistake (i guess :S)

Marko Grass

New member
Hello guys my name is Marko i am from Macedonia, i am newish to bodybuilding (around a year), and wanted to buy pre-workout (jack3d) but found out that a guy in the gym sells dianabol blue hearts for very cheap (30 euros, 150 10mg tabs)

I've consumed 6 of em so far each day by 1, and afterwards seaching on this forum realised i made a mistake (thank you guys), and D-bol cycles only are VERY BAD, so, that's 60mgs, 10 each day, how fucked am i, should i be afraid? should i take some medicine? or my cock,balls,and erections are safe? i hope so since i only drinked 6, help the brother out here guys :S :S