Just finished my first homebrew!


New member
It was a bit messy lol and I made a few small mistakes, but that's exactly why I chose to make a small batch my first time around. I really need to invest into some 10CC syringes though, that would save a lot of time. :)

Made test 400 (50% eo), deca 200, injectable dbol 60 (in eo), all of which are holding fine as of now (1 hr).

I had to make all of the deca though, because it's a semi-liquid and I had no clue how to measure it out, other then just doing the whole thing (20g)...so I have enough deca to last me a while lol.

Unfortunately my camera died right after I took the first picture of the powders in the bags...but I will take detailed pics for my next batch, which should be this weekend as long as all the stuff I need gets in.

Thanks for all the help guys...i'm officially in the club and addicted lol!
That's awseome bro! I just made my first batch last night! 50ml of test prop. 100mg/ml. I figured it was cheap if I did happen to mess up.LOL. I used 50% EO as well with 50% cotton seed oil, 2% ba and 20%bb. 24 hours later and it's still sittin' pretty. What a rush huh? I'm hooked! Doing tren ace tonight. :biggthump
soon you'll be sittin on like 300ml of test like me saying. why the fuck did I brew so fucking much? trying to pawn it off on your friends. lol

why did it get messy?
Welcome to the dark side *evil laugh* soon you'll be a member of HBA (homebrewers annonymous).
I'm going to brew also hopefully end this month ... there won't be 300ml test sitting here doing nothing i can assure :D i would be sticking myself alot though ;)
Grrrr...my dbol crashed :) Not really sure why...60mg/ml in EO sounds low compared to what I've heard. For now I'm just going to re-heat. It was 2% BA and 20%BB...should I add more BB or more EO and do I sterile filter that in or just shoot it in and heat?
Depends if your BB or EO has been filtered or not.

of course, some guys would skip the filtering regardless.

I'm guessing that more BB is your best bet, but shit if I know.

Frankly, I'm not clear on why we don't just use all BB instead of EO.
I'll filter it just in case. Rather be safe than sorry.

Heated it up and it was fine, took more heat than it originally required to make it in the first place though and more time. Weird.
outlawtas2 said:
I'll filter it just in case. Rather be safe than sorry.

Heated it up and it was fine, took more heat than it originally required to make it in the first place though and more time. Weird.
You may need to add 1-2ml of guaiacol (super solvent) assuming it's 50ml.
i just made 100ml of test prop yesterday..should last about 15 weeks :)
Actually after heating it yesterday 24hrs later it's fine now. I guess I didn't heat it up enough the first time? Strange. Hasn't crashed yet, but I'm assuming it won't. No biggie though.

BTW it's practically painless. Shot my bicep with a 27g needle and it's fine. I shot my other bicep with dbol/200mg/ml prop last night though and that's hurtin pretty bad lol. Never really liked prop to be honest.
Tren-is-Ace said:
That's awseome bro! I just made my first batch last night! 50ml of test prop. 100mg/ml. I figured it was cheap if I did happen to mess up.LOL. I used 50% EO as well with 50% cotton seed oil, 2% ba and 20%bb. 24 hours later and it's still sittin' pretty. What a rush huh? I'm hooked! Doing tren ace tonight. :biggthump
How is your math adding up? You used 50% EO and 50% oil, how does 2% ba and 20% bb get into your 100% solution?
mranak said:
Depends if your BB or EO has been filtered or not.

of course, some guys would skip the filtering regardless.

I'm guessing that more BB is your best bet, but shit if I know.

Frankly, I'm not clear on why we don't just use all BB instead of EO.
Mranak, have you ever touched BB with your bare hands before? IMO it's nuts for anyone to use 100% solvent like bb or EO. I havent touched EO with my hands yet, but BB will burn your skin off. And injecting the thing into your body?? Outlaws you're nuts imo.

Outlaws I dont see why your dbol would crash. I made mine at 50mg/ml, 30/30/30 oil, bb, eo. You probably didnt keep it on heat long enough, unless you're using water heat.
pineapple said:
Outlaws I dont see why your dbol would crash. I made mine at 50mg/ml, 30/30/30 oil, bb, eo. You probably didnt keep it on heat long enough, unless you're using water heat.

That's exactly what it was. I re-heated and now it's fine.
pineapple said:
How is your math adding up? You used 50% EO and 50% oil, how does 2% ba and 20% bb get into your 100% solution?

I think he means for the oil portion it was 50% oil and 50% EO as opposed to 100% oil.
outlawtas2 said:
I think he means for the oil portion it was 50% oil and 50% EO as opposed to 100% oil.
He said 2% BA, and 20% BB, so then the OIL and EO must be 39% each. Now it's clear.