Just got my blood test done, everyone respond


New member
Okay, im going to type in my test result, i'll post all of the results as soon as I get my Girlfriends camera, and i'll just take a picture. Here is my Testosterone one...... the doc said it was fine but shoudnt I have it a bit higher since im only 21?? Any advice? Any thoughts? I need everyones opinion

Testosterone-M 585 ng/dl Normal is 20-49 years old, 286-1511
JohnnyB said:
The lab report I have says normal is 241-827

I'll post a pic up right now of the entire report.... just waiting for my Girlfriends phone camera
Dude I've seen way lower from young white guys who never ran gear in their life, be happy with it.
okay let me type out all of the tests they did, my results on left, regular person on right

WBC 6.7 K/uL Average 4.8-10.3
LYM 2.9 K/uL 1.2-3.4
EOS o.1
MON 0.6 K/uL 0.1-0.6
BASO 0.1
NEU 3.1 K/uL 1.4-6.5
LYM 42.6 % 20.5-51.5
EOS 3.1 %
MON 8.9 % 1.7-9.3
BASO 0.8 %
NEU 46.1 % 42.0-52.0
RBC 5.0 M/uL 4.7-6.1
HGB 15.9 g/dL 14.0-18.0
HCT 47.6 % 42.0-52.0
MCV 96.0 fL 80-97
MCH 32.1 pg HIGH 27.0-31.0
MCHC 33.4 g/dL 33.0-37.0
RDW 11.8 % 11.5-14.5
PLT 220.0 K/uL 130.0-400
MPV 8.6 fL 7.4-10.4

CHOLESTEROL 200 mg/dL 0.00-200
TSH 1.87 mIU/L o.40-6.00
GLUCOMETER 79.00 MG/DL 70.0-110.00
TESTOSTERONE-M 585.0 ng/dL average 20-49=286-1511

im 21 years old, those are my results
Mudge said:
Dude I've seen way lower from young white guys who never ran gear in their life, be happy with it.
I am happy, just asking questions since I dont know much on blood results