Just ordered everything for my next cycle!


Just ordered everything for my next cycle. I decided to go with EP gear so I know exactly what I'm getting. My cycle will be:
Week 1-16 600mg Test E
Week 1-14 500mg Deca
Week 1-4 50mg ED Tbol
Week 1-18.5 15mg ED Aromasin
Week 1-18.5 .25mg ED Prami
Week 7-16 500iu HCG
Week 17-18.5 500iu ED HCG blast
Week 18.5-22.5 Clomid 50/50/50/50
Week 18.5-22.5 Nolva 40/40/20/20

I plan to start first week of November. It's like waiting for xmas to get here!!!!!
Just ordered everything for my next cycle. I decided to go with EP gear so I know exactly what I'm getting. My cycle will be:
Week 1-16 600mg Test E
Week 1-14 500mg Deca
Week 1-4 50mg ED Tbol
Week 1-18.5 15mg ED Aromasin
Week 1-18.5 .25mg ED Prami
Week 7-16 500iu HCG
Week 17-18.5 500iu ED HCG blast
Week 18.5-22.5 Clomid 50/50/50/50
Week 18.5-22.5 Nolva 40/40/20/20

I plan to start first week of November. It's like waiting for xmas to get here!!!!!

good cycle; that should be a decent ride
15mg of aromasin everyday is a shitload bro, you sure you really need that much??

6.25mg ed works well for me, even on double the dosages you are planning
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Just ordered everything for my next cycle. I decided to go with EP gear so I know exactly what I'm getting. My cycle will be:
Week 1-16 600mg Test E
Week 1-14 500mg Deca
Week 1-4 50mg ED Tbol
Week 1-18.5 15mg ED Aromasin
Week 1-18.5 .25mg ED Prami
Week 7-16 500iu HCG
Week 17-18.5 500iu ED HCG blast
Week 18.5-22.5 Clomid 50/50/50/50
Week 18.5-22.5 Nolva 40/40/20/20

I plan to start first week of November. It's like waiting for xmas to get here!!!!!

stop the hcg, aromasin and prami a week before you start PCT... PCT 3 weeks after last injection of test E
See now based on BW I run 25mg stane ed on a cycle like this. I also run my ai and dopamine agonist right up to my pct. I start my pct 2 weeks post final test e injection and since there is deca in the cycle i extend my pct 2 weeks of just nolva at 20mg/day. HCG 250ius-2x/week on cycle stopping 3 day before the start of pct.
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I ran a cycle of Test E last year and 12.5mg ED aromasin kept my E2 right in the sweet spot so I'm gonna start with 15mg ED and see how it goes and adjust accordingly. Also with my recovery protocol and diet, I recovered extremely fast. I may extend the Nolva depending on how it goes but I would expect my body will react similar to my previous cycle.

And thanks 3J. My diet should be right on point with everything you've taught me!