Just over a year transformation.

Want to fill us in on cycles during that year. Training regiment, diet, etc? How you did it might help others.
That took about 14 months. I trained each bodypart 2 times per week with little to no cardio. During that time I would blast and cruise. My blast was usually ~1g test-e/wk, 400-600mg tren-e/wk and 300-600 EQ/wk. I would cruise on 250mg test e/wk with 100mg anavar per day. I took HGH at 2-4iu per day too. I also made sure to eat a minimum of 300g of protein per day. It was a lot of hardwork but so worth it. Over the next 6 months I'm going to try and make an even more impressive transformation.
That took about 14 months. I trained each bodypart 2 times per week with little to no cardio. During that time I would blast and cruise. My blast was usually ~1g test-e/wk, 400-600mg tren-e/wk and 300-600 EQ/wk. I would cruise on 250mg test e/wk with 100mg anavar per day. I took HGH at 2-4iu per day too. I also made sure to eat a minimum of 300g of protein per day. It was a lot of hardwork but so worth it. Over the next 6 months I'm going to try and make an even more impressive transformation.

Damn bro you CRUSHED it!
man, it takes men nooooo fucking time!!! Good job!

LOL, thanks but I've seen women make some really amazing transformations too. I don't know where you started out but from looking at your avatar you should be very proud. Beautiful physique.