Just started injections...having trouble.


You asked if the needle "pops" off? No, it screws off. Real easy, nothing too it and you dont need to wear gloves.

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shots are supper easy.....dont even feel it because the needle is so small. I shot it in my shoulder, rotating arms each time.

I've been told by my doc to not inject the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on days you inject your Test. For example: I inject my Test shot on Sundays in my butt, I inject my left shoulder with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on Friday, and my right shoulder with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on Saturday. Wednesday I inject a little B-12 (which you should too) in my should with the same insulin type needle. B-12 is really cheap and being able to inject it rather than taking in form of a pill is so much more potent.
I think the reason why the doc is telling you guys not to inject on same days is becasue of aromatisation? is this thinking correct?

HCG aromatises and so does test, is the docs logic not to spike estro here?

not saying its wrong-just wondering
Ive had 250mg/mL Testosterone Enanthate solidify in the vial on me b4.. Buddy said it was probly an overdose the lab did on accident. I had used the same stuff twice b4 totaling 8 vials from same place and never seen it do that. I had to bring sum water to a slight boil and stick a pin in vial hooking just under the top with tongs and melt the oil back down... Any1 ever had to too?