Just started TRT...what's the best dosing schedule


New member
Hello All,

I just got prescribed the following for a ten week supply of TRT:

2000mg of Testosterone Cypionate
20 x1mg pill of Anastrozole
7000iu HcG

For simplicity's sake I thought I'd use the following protocol:
Monday and Thursday 100mg test and 1 mg pill of Anastrozole
Tuesday and Friday 350iu HcG

I just started on Thursday, and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions about better order or dosing of the meds, and does time of day matter?...I'm a total newbie, and when you're a newbie, you don't know what you don't know. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Mon/Thurs is a good protocol, but 2mg/wk of anastrozole is a TON and you could likely crush your estrogen levels which we do require some of. Me personally, I would split that pill in half and do .5mg/2x a week - talk to your doc about doing this first though.
Ok...from what I've read the prescribed dose seems on the high side, so I think I'll go to .5 mg EOD. How about the order of the hcg and test...is it better to take one before the other...some members seem to prefer hcg the day before test???
You should consult with your doctor before making any changes but I would reconsider even going as high as you are planning now. From what I have seen .5mg a week is usually enough for the average guy who takes 200mg a week.

Now if someone had a higher body-fat or knew that they were prone, they usually start at about 1mg a week with that testosterone dosage.

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Ive tried everything from every 4 days, 5 days, 7 days and 10 days.

5 days is the best for me. Sometimes less is more. If you dose too frequently, your test might be constantly peaking which is not good.
Ive tried everything from every 4 days, 5 days, 7 days and 10 days.

5 days is the best for me. Sometimes less is more. If you dose too frequently, your test might be constantly peaking which is not good.

Why is that? Why wouldn't you want to minimize the peaks and valleys and try to keep things more level?
In my experience being at the peak all the time didn't make me feel as good as when I went on a 5 day. Keep in mind that the half life of test cyp/eth is quite long. If you inject every 3.5days that means you are constantly bumping up your test level before it gets a chance to stabilize. The result is that the test builds up to higher and higher peak levels. This has been my experience.
It won't keep building up in perpetuity if you inject every 3.5 days. That's not true. You can't have infinite levels of T.
So a week after my first 1 mg pill of Anastrozole, I cut the dose to 1/4 pill...same shit; sore joints and muscles. Today is Saturday and I haven't worked out since Thursday...still sore though. Emailed the guy through whom I got the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and he said to cut the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for 2.5 weeks, then resume. Maybe at 200 ml test and 700 iu hcg I don't need an ai???....is it possible that I just don't aromatize much?
i got once a week, but if you tolorate the twice a week pins and it keepd you level do it, i may switch since 200mg at a time might be jacking my blood work a bit
So a week after my first 1 mg pill of Anastrozole, I cut the dose to 1/4 pill...same shit; sore joints and muscles. Today is Saturday and I haven't worked out since Thursday...still sore though. Emailed the guy through whom I got the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and he said to cut the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for 2.5 weeks, then resume. Maybe at 200 ml test and 700 iu hcg I don't need an ai???....is it possible that I just don't aromatize much?

Get your estradiol tested so you don't have to guess.
My initial estradiol came back 13.1 and the range was 7.6 to 42.6
I'm a bit worried though, about my lh...that came back at 1, fsh at2.4...31 yrs old, should I be worried about this??
When you change the amount of test you take you need to get new blood work done afterwards to see how that change is impacting you. See where your total T and estradiol are coming in at. You need to keep monitoring yourself with blood work.
In my experience being at the peak all the time didn't make me feel as good as when I went on a 5 day. Keep in mind that the half life of test cyp/eth is quite long. If you inject every 3.5days that means you are constantly bumping up your test level before it gets a chance to stabilize. The result is that the test builds up to higher and higher peak levels. This has been my experience.

I agree. While keeping stable levels is good, it gets taken out of context often.
My initial estradiol came back 13.1 and the range was 7.6 to 42.6
I'm a bit worried though, about my lh...that came back at 1, fsh at2.4...31 yrs old, should I be worried about this??

LH and FSH are going to be low as you are no longer making your own testosterone, and your pituitary gland knows this. This is why a lot of guys use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to simulate the release of LH in order to keep their testicles functioning - making hormones like DHEA/Pregnenolone/etc.
welcome to the jungle....the truth is u will not get a correct answer....and then you will gt guys to say runs blood....yea...but dont run blood till you have run a protocol for a few weeks...or your results are bullshit as your levels have not had a chance to level off....

then youe have to play the game of best time to run blood is 5 days after last shot...hmmmm but i stick every 3-4 days..oh and hcg...good luck ...
i have yet to hear a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) guy dial in stay dialed in and love it for a long period of time.
welcome to the jungle....the truth is u will not get a correct answer....and then you will get guys who say runs blood....yea...but dont run blood till you have run a protocol for a few weeks...or your results are bullshit as your levels have not had a chance to level off....

then youe have to play the game of best time to run blood.... 5 days after last shot supposed to be the best ...hmmmm but i stick every 3-4 days..oh and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also ...good luck ...when do u get a true read ...
i have yet to hear a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) guy dial in stay dialed in and love it for a long period of time.