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How many tabs of British dragon Winstrol (winny) 10mg do I take a day.? 3 or 5 and for how many weeks

How many tabs of British dragon Winstrol (winny) 10mg do I take a day.? 3 or 5 and for how many weeks
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moved to appropriate area. Don't make miltiple posts.
what are you running with it ?
cycle history
etc etc etc
Winstrol (winny) suck s ass i m o.
You were told wrong.
You will have a dead dick, potentially lipid profiles shot to hell, achey joints.
Punch the dealer in the fkn head and read up on the stickies of why test only to start and alway s in a cycle as a base.
Thanks. That's the last thing I want, a dead Dick! What is the Winstrol (winny) good for?
Man youre 36 yrs old. How come you would swallow something without knowing what it does and what its for? Just wondering...
Drop the Winstrol (winny) bro and go with test enanthate or test cypionate 500mg a week. Nothing else. It will work great. Test will help with any goal you have as long as diet is on point and will have you fucking like a rabbit.

If it's any consolation, I too used to be afraid of pinning myself,..I mean, let's be honest, pushing a 1.5" piece of surgical steel into yourself isn't the most attractive thought,..but once you do it, you'll say to yourself,.."what the fuck was I so afraid of? Man! What a pussy I was!!!"
I had my wife depress the plunger for the first month or so of my first cycle,..now I look forward to it. For me, if I'm pinning my right glute I lean my left side up against the wall, so that I can see myself in the bathroom mirror, I put my right thumb on my hip, point my index finger straight down my leg, and spread my fingers out. My pinkie finger lands around the middle of my ass-cheek,..there's the spot! I look in the mirror, make sure that the pin is lined up straight(after using an alcohol swab of course), and press firmly,..once it breaks the skin it slides right to the end, perfect. Inject slowly and smoothly, pull it out smoothly and quickly, dab up any little droplets(or streams lol) of blood, massage the area, and !viola, feel like a god!!!!

Seriously, it's not as bad or as hard as you think it is.

If it's any consolation, I too used to be afraid of pinning myself,..I mean, let's be honest, pushing a 1.5" piece of surgical steel into yourself isn't the most attractive thought,..but once you do it, you'll say to yourself,.."what the fuck was I so afraid of? Man! What a pussy I was!!!"
I had my wife depress the plunger for the first month or so of my first cycle,..now I look forward to it. For me, if I'm pinning my right glute I lean my left side up against the wall, so that I can see myself in the bathroom mirror, I put my right thumb on my hip, point my index finger straight down my leg, and spread my fingers out. My pinkie finger lands around the middle of my ass-cheek,..there's the spot! I look in the mirror, make sure that the pin is lined up straight(after using an alcohol swab of course), and press firmly,..once it breaks the skin it slides right to the end, perfect. Inject slowly and smoothly, pull it out smoothly and quickly, dab up any little droplets(or streams lol) of blood, massage the area, and !viola, feel like a god!!!!

Seriously, it's not as bad or as hard as you think it is.

Bro this sounds pretty fucking gay! You put your thumb where?? I dont want to know lol

jk jk