just took 1000mg of vitamin C

Keep it up at that dose and you will get kidney problesm. Do a search of side affects of to much vitamine C
hope I don't od

buddy thats only 1g of vitaminC.
i take 6-10g a day.
you cant "OD" on vitC lol
at most you might get upset tummy/dirria if you take alot meaing like 15-30g at 1 time.
this isnot tru for all vitamins soem may be toxic at high doeses like vitaminA for eg.

i hardly get sick now i feel partly due to the extra vitC i take.
the pills i hag are 1000mg/1g each. soem are half a gram. yah a compny is gona mak
any way im not gonna bother.

dont worry your fine i say up it to 3g ed
what is main pourpose of taking such a high dosage?

is it just for health?

i know juma juice *sp*? they have a 'cold shake'...that is like 1000mg of vitimin C i belive..i drank one a few times, and it gave intense stomache pains....
No I'm not wrong. I know a few guys who were taking high dose vitamine C and got kidney stones and sore kdneys ect. More is not better and thats a myth that vitmanine C boost the immune system.

under 15g a day would not be an issue and you should keep water intake high.
i think you need to study vitC agen.
i take vit c at 1000mg every day...no colds this year as yet...

i dont no if its owt to do with takeing vit c but a mate's that dont take any vit's has had 2 or 3 bad cold's this winter...

just may bit