New member
i have been in the game (wether lifting or some variant[crossfit, tri, or some form of MA]) for the last 12 yrs. this past 6 months i have devoted all time to olympic lifts and generally bulking. i follow a leangains style of fitness ( 16-2 hr fast + complete refeeds). in the past 6 months i have recomped from a lean and triathletes/crossfitters body of 147lb (6%bf) to a nice 166 lb ( 10%bf) body. i have def. not hit my max potential but i am getting up there in years ( 30 +) so i have started my research now. i am no where near ready for anything other than cavalier ventures ( proh, sarm, serm, pep.) but i will start learning as my curve will be pretty steep. i just wanted to introduce myself. i have done the impact nutrition stack way back w/ great success. i have also done primobol and halotest w/ good results. fairly awkward but hey just lookin for some place to get advanced help.
i have been in the game (wether lifting or some variant[crossfit, tri, or some form of MA]) for the last 12 yrs. this past 6 months i have devoted all time to olympic lifts and generally bulking. i follow a leangains style of fitness ( 16-2 hr fast + complete refeeds). in the past 6 months i have recomped from a lean and triathletes/crossfitters body of 147lb (6%bf) to a nice 166 lb ( 10%bf) body. i have def. not hit my max potential but i am getting up there in years ( 30 +) so i have started my research now. i am no where near ready for anything other than cavalier ventures ( proh, sarm, serm, pep.) but i will start learning as my curve will be pretty steep. i just wanted to introduce myself. i have done the impact nutrition stack way back w/ great success. i have also done primobol and halotest w/ good results. fairly awkward but hey just lookin for some place to get advanced help.