just wanted to say hi and intro myself


New member

i have been in the game (wether lifting or some variant[crossfit, tri, or some form of MA]) for the last 12 yrs. this past 6 months i have devoted all time to olympic lifts and generally bulking. i follow a leangains style of fitness ( 16-2 hr fast + complete refeeds). in the past 6 months i have recomped from a lean and triathletes/crossfitters body of 147lb (6%bf) to a nice 166 lb ( 10%bf) body. i have def. not hit my max potential but i am getting up there in years ( 30 +) so i have started my research now. i am no where near ready for anything other than cavalier ventures ( proh, sarm, serm, pep.) but i will start learning as my curve will be pretty steep. i just wanted to introduce myself. i have done the impact nutrition stack way back w/ great success. i have also done primobol and halotest w/ good results. fairly awkward but hey just lookin for some place to get advanced help.
welcome to 'ology!

stick around an you'll learn lots of good stuff - you'll definitely be ready when the time comes.

feel free to ask anything - theres sure to be someone here who can help you out.
ive definately been lurking for a while. i realized a long time ago i was not ready for any real jump ( still not) but i have been very consistent and now i am determined to really jumpstart my body. just the training and diet advice on here alone is golden. when i was younger i never understood nor respected all of this but now whoah do i.
ive definately been lurking for a while. i realized a long time ago i was not ready for any real jump ( still not) but i have been very consistent and now i am determined to really jumpstart my body. just the training and diet advice on here alone is golden. when i was younger i never understood nor respected all of this but now whoah do i.

i wish i would have waited for that realization.

after getting into it i have learned a lot more and now am starting to really revamp my diet and ideas behind it.

now i'm focused on what I'm consuming more and more and the changes are coming along nicely.