Just Winny

Sounds like I should be eating more meals. To be honest, I dont' know how many calories I eat a day. I never thought about counting them, instead, i just watch wut i eat.

Today For example: This morning I had a bowl of oatmeal. 4 hours later, I just ate 5 hard boiled eggs w/ only eating 2 yolks. For lunch i was just gonna drink a ice tea and eat a 12 oz can of tuna. For dinner a chicken breast.

Looks like i should be eating more greens and drinking shakes.
Hey roadhouse, Thanks for all that info man. I'm gonna print that shit out. I'm going back down south on Monday. I from wut I've read so far, I guess I should take a lil test (deca) to lube up my joints and hopefully keep me from becoming depressed.

Its been 4 days 2 injections. I don't seem to notice any psycholgical differences. How long does it normally take to notice depression, when only on a Winstrol (winny) cycle???

Thanks again guys for your support, This is Really helpful.
I have used winnie several times and have never been depressed while on or when I come off?? its only been 4 days bro give it a couple weeks and your pumps and strength should begin to increase considerably.And if you want to help bring out stubborn body parts (ie bi's or shoulders ) try site injects with the V,it works wonders!!

Its probaly too late to add any Deca, epsecially on a 8 weeker, I owuld just load up on those joint formulas. Test Prop could be an option, the very small bit of water retention, may "cushion" the joints some.
RoadHouse said:
Its probaly too late to add any Deca, epsecially on a 8 weeker, I owuld just load up on those joint formulas. Test Prop could be an option, the very small bit of water retention, may "cushion" the joints some.

NANDROLONE PHENYL PROPIONATE WOULD DO JUST FINE IN HIS SITUATION...it kicks in exactly like prop does and it will ease the joint discomfort...as for depression,winny is known for that post cycle...on certain users...it is very common...just an fyi
i bought a bottle of Glucosamine Chondrotin & MSM complex. Hopefully this shit helps. Says to take 3 a day. I wonder if more will help?

I think I'm gonna take your advice and stick to my original plan. I really don't want to get bigger. I'm gonna stick w/ the JUST Winstrol (winny) cycle - no stack.

I planned on using only CLOMID post cycle therapy. Would I be safe w/ just a Clomid post cycle therapy (pct) last week of cycle and then one more week after cycle??
three days after last Winstrol (winny) inject start clomid. Or is it 36 hours, ah hell with me. Anyways, i would run the full treatment, two weeks.
300mg day 1
100mg day 2-7
50mg day 8-14
Winstrol alone is cool man ive done it and had some positive results, i did 50mgs a day for about 6-7 weeks with a good diet and good training, but dont expect much. Definatly run the clomids they are cheep.
I'm gonna take your guy's advice. I've already started ED injections of 50 mgs. I really dont' expect to notice any huge results. I just hope this will help me decrease body fat, w/ my current excersize and diet regimen.

Clomid PST it is. I thought I was supposed to start the clomid on the last week of my cycle. From what I read above. I should start on the 3rd to the last day right???
36 hour half-life, so two or three days after last inject, just for shits and giggles you go do 300mg both 3nd day and 3rd after last injection.