Kai Greene This Year

man josh i like him too. he comes from the bottom! he worked his ass off . this is my order
phil , kai, branch ,jay, dennis

i believe he is the only one right now that can give phil a run for the money, his size is crazy!

its all polotics ... jay does guest appearances for free, great w fans, keeps steroids completely out of the public eye, hes great with his bodybuilding buisness internationally (the only reason i know of muscle tech is because of him ), and he travels everywhere with the largest fan base probably X 10. People want to see him win, simple as that . As much as we want it to be a fair game where the best looking wins, its not alwasy like that. Jay will Dominate for as long as he is still competeing, unless injury like in 2012, or if someone else just looks 100 X better. Hes winning otherwise.
In order for Kai to take it from Phil he has to come in perfect condition, which imo he will not. He has all the mass he needs, if he can control his mid section he could make an impact.
ever since i read up on kai's story ive been going for him ever since. guy came from legit nothing has a hard work ethic and a great personality