Kickboxing/K-1/Muay Thai FAQ

Muay Thai Guy

New member
Anyone interested in fighter profiles, tournament info, style profiles etc?

Any one have any questions ?

Thinking it might be cool to start an FAQ

Maybe fyre might like to do the same for MMA :D
I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while. I think it would be cool to have a picture thread too with different pics of fighters and whatnot. Maybe we could just combine it all into one big cool fighter faq thread!:D
how do you make your shins harder and stronger? any kind of exercise? is it true that muay thai fighters in thailand kick their shins on palm trees? how about stretching? for better kicking and flexibility?
Conditioning shins is basically done by consistent training

The thing about thais kicking trees is kind of a misconsception thanks to the movie Kickboxer

Basically back in the olden days the thais would kick banan trees which were very soft anyway

You should never strike your shin with anything harder than the bone unless you're in a fight. Some people wach shins with sticks, glass bottles etc, well that's not great. In the short term you'll cause calcification over the shin but in the long term it will weaken the shins due to the occurrence of hairline fractures.

The best way to condition shins are the tried and tested methods which are:

Hitting the heavy bag. Hit the bag as hard as you can 100 kicks each leg every day
Hitting Thai Pads (The harder the better)

Bags come in different degrees of hardness at most gyms, go with what you can hit the hardest and feel pain then move on

Running is also important. The thais also have a way of running by which they run on tiptoe/ball of the foot. Basically it works the calf and shin muscles and strengthens them

Have you seen the size of some calf muscles of Thai boxers?

Well I hope that helps you on the conditioning part

As for stretching... Fyre wrote a great article on stretching so maybe i'll give her the Mic ;)
I am going to have to agree with you on the shin conditioning. It is kinda funny how many people feel that thais really kick pposts, and trees to stregthen thier shins. I think this was one of the first things my trainer tought me was bullshit when I started. Also if I may add, while it is possible to run a rolling pin, or a bottle along the shin to kill the nerves, you may cause hairline fractures like babyface said, as well as the fact that you may kill the nerves but the bone has not gotten any stronger in the process. There is a law in biomechanics called Woffs law that explains the way to increase strength to a bone is through progressive weight bearing to the bone, thus running and kicking are the two best ways to overall strengthen the bone for kickboxing.
hey guys thanks for the reply, so sorry it took me a long time to reply back, really appreciate it a lot, well i'll frequent this thread and ask some more questions, in the meantime if you feel like you want to tell me more i'd be more than willing to listen and learn extra info from you guys, it's only been more than a month for me but i'm concentrating on it, i don't know how to say it but eveytime i train i really feel good, i feel something that i just can't explain, i think it's something i was born to be good at or at least be serious with, i'm not in it for just the kicks...oopps! he he he, what i meant was the hype it brings, well thanks again!
Jackass what would u like to know exactly, just ask, we'll try to help

You can read about my training experiences in Thailand and My fight training preperations over at in the magazines

just check out the archives

PS how old r u? and what do u weigh and ur height?
Muay Thai Guy said:
Jackass what would u like to know exactly, just ask, we'll try to help

You can read about my training experiences in Thailand and My fight training preperations over at in the magazines

just check out the archives

PS how old r u? and what do u weigh and ur height?

well since i'm new and basically an eager beaver right now, there's a lot!:D well for starters let's do conditioning first, i'm 26 yrs. old, 5'10, 155-160? not yet sure but two months ago i was 180 lbs. but due to slip disc i had to lose weight or my back will suffer. i've been lifting weights for almost 9 years now, which is why my trainer is having a hard time teaching me how to box, but i'm getting there or so i think?:rolleyes: , anyways what i've done so far is lose weight by running everyday for 10 mins. sprint and jog, lessen the weights that i lift and increase the reps, for example, my bench is 70 lbs., 50 reps, 4 sets, i'm doing more leg lifts compared before...uuhhmmm, more dips, more pull-ups and chin-ups, more push-ups, more ab workouts, and shin, side, front kicks on the bag. is there anything else that i'm missing out? anything you guys want to add so that i can make my conditioning better?
well Jackass

You're on the right track
Just keep up the training, increase the cardo and allow yourself time to get more conditioned. It won't really happen over night. Just train hard and eat well and furthermore, listen to your coach! He'll be able to guide you and tell you what you should and shouldn't be doing (Assuming he's a good coach!)