Kickboxing/K-1/Muay Thai FAQ

oh by the way

If you are very serious about the sport and wanna really get a head start, have you thought of going to Thailand to train for a short while?

You'll be fighting soon then and getting excellent training. You might have to get your weight down to 145 but with 6-8 hours of training a day in intense heat, I'm sure you can manage that ;)
hey! thanks for the encouragement guys, i know rome wasn't built in a day, so i guess patience and perseverance are one of the main factors here, i would love to train in thailand but it wouldn't be possible because of responsibilities, i'm satisfied with my trainer right now, for me, he is good, i guess you can see that in people, once they start talking to you and explain how things are done, you see a connection between the things he teaches you, i think a good teacher is the one who inspires his/her students to do more even without saying a single word of inspiration, which means that everything comes from the heart naturally.

i just had training awhile back, one question about shins again, he he he, when you say train your shins to be stronger, well this means that you develop muscles above the shin bones, right? well i've developed that kind of muscle already, my question is, should you develop the whole shin area of your leg? i mean from the instep to the knee area, 'coz the only muscled part that i see right now is the area near my knees.
Don't really think u can build muscle all around the shin but there's a clump of muscle on the outer side of the shin when you block point your toes up and this will tense the muscles up

As for shin conditioning
it's more a case of deadening nerves and getting used to the pain

The pain is beautiful, just keep saying that to urself ;)
Muay Thai Guy said:
Jackass what would u like to know exactly, just ask, we'll try to help

You can read about my training experiences in Thailand and My fight training preperations over at in the magazines

just check out the archives

PS how old r u? and what do u weigh and ur height?

hey man! i already registered but the problem is i can't seem to log in to my e-mail account anymore, so what i did was to make a new e-mail add, but as i was going to register again at ironlife, this message keeps on popping up everytime i click on the forum icon, so what now?
hey MTG, how do i make an avatar? i got some cool sagat gifs downloaded, i want to use it as my avatar, thanks man!
Jackass said:
hey MTG, how do i make an avatar? i got some cool sagat gifs downloaded, i want to use it as my avatar, thanks man!

I'll answer that for u hun. At the top of the forum page, you'll see UserCP, click on that. Then click on edit options, scroll down until you see change avatar. The size must be 100x100.
Can't wait to see ur av!:)
actually, on IL, the av size is 150x150 ;)

Sagat is a cool mofo but i never liked him
I was awesome with Ken!

We had this challenge between my friends and cousins who could win most street fighter fights, I won 50 in a row then everyone gave up! :D
now i have a problem:confused: how do lower the pixels of the images i've downloaded? i can't post them 'coz the pixels are all to high
everytime i try to log in i always get this.....

If you get this message, it means that you have not yet clicked on the link in the email verification sent to you. When you register for an account on the forum or try to change your email address in the profile, you will be sent a verification email. You have to click on the link inside of that email to confirm the address. We do this to help prevent fraudulant accounts by trouble makers.

Some email providers such as AOL and Yahoo place our verification emails in their bulk mail/spam folders. So make sure to look there for it if you have not yet recieved one.

If the problem persists or you can not find the verification email, please send a message with your username, the email address you signed up with, and a detailed description of the problem to:

necro96080 said:
Hey Muay Thai Guy, are you getting the Randy/Vitor PPV tomorrow??
BTW (baby faced assassin) Josh Barnett is the shit.

I'll get it but im in the uk and the fights start at 3am and i have a very busy weekend ahead of me. If i can stay up i will do :)
Jackass said:
everytime i try to log in i always get this.....

If you get this message, it means that you have not yet clicked on the link in the email verification sent to you. When you register for an account on the forum or try to change your email address in the profile, you will be sent a verification email. You have to click on the link inside of that email to confirm the address. We do this to help prevent fraudulant accounts by trouble makers.

Some email providers such as AOL and Yahoo place our verification emails in their bulk mail/spam folders. So make sure to look there for it if you have not yet recieved one.

If the problem persists or you can not find the verification email, please send a message with your username, the email address you signed up with, and a detailed description of the problem to:


Mate did u click on the verification email?

If you did and it's not working i will get the Admin/owner to send it again to u if he can
Jackass said:
now i have a problem:confused: how do lower the pixels of the images i've downloaded? i can't post them 'coz the pixels are all to high

you just have to shrink the image hun.
How big is it now?
there are tricks to make avatars fit nicely into the size requirements

if you want post the avatar u wanna use here and i can shrink it down for u if i can
Muay Thai Guy said:
Mate did u click on the verification email?

If you did and it's not working i will get the Admin/owner to send it again to u if he can

Gentle_Fist I just checked the admin cp and it seems that you are already registered and have gone throught the email verification. I went and had the system resend you your info to the email addy you used to register with us. Let me know if it works and we appologize for the inconvenience.
