kicking my cut into full gear.. what to adjust


i tried a different approach to cutting this season since i started at pretty high bodyfat. pre tren phase, and tren phase lol.

currently on 350mg test prop a week and 350mg mast a week, 50-75mcg t3 ED and 3iu somatropin 5x a week. been doing so for 8 weeks and went from 15% bodyfat to around 10-11%. i also added some tren ace 2 weeks ago @ 50mg EOD. i think i either forgot what it's like to be at this bodyfat, or i lost muscle in these 8 weeks. i cant tell.

i have 8 weeks left with this stack and want to kick it into overdrive and get to 8% bodyfat before i blast my tren, but i really dont want to lose anymore muscle at all. also i feel like the tren ace @ 50mg EOD isnt really doing much as far as muscle retention.. could it?

anyway.. given the compounds i have now, what would you suggest i adjust in order to be sure i keep all the muscle i have until june 5, which is tren time for the next 12 weeks @ 20mg test prop and 80mg tren ace ED.

should i drop the tren im on right now and just up the test to 525 a week? such a dilemma.
Why not keep Tren at a lower dose? Or is it cuz you won't be able to purchase more? Remember 100mg Tren is like 500 test
Why not keep Tren at a lower dose? Or is it cuz you won't be able to purchase more? Remember 100mg Tren is like 500 test
i can get more at any time, i just like running tren that high lol. but i dont actually start tren for another 4 weeks..

basically my question is; from now, until the next 4 weeks, between the 100mg test prop EOD, 100mg mast EOD, and 50mg tren ace EOD... which should i adjust in order to make sure i dont lose any muscle while i really go balls to the wall with my diet for the next 4 weeks.

i would up my tren because i never lose muscle on that stuff no matter what, but i dont because first off i didn't get my caber yet, and i just can't run tren for 16 weeks i'll lose my mind. 10-12 weeks is the cutoff for me
Since I kicked my tren up to 100mg ED I've gone to an intermittent fasting diet. Plenty of variances to the methodology, but the one I utilise, and have gone from 97.5, to 94.75 in 4 days has been Eat from the hours of 7am to 12pm then fast. I work out in the AM where I immediately eat after, then have my brown rice and chicken at 11-12. Then I don't touch food. Hit the Peptides before bed and repeat. Feel fucking energised and great, and getting a real recomp with the tren, and finally dropping mass with a recomp rather than staying static with a recomp. Drastic difference. And I never get that full feeling like a boa constrictor that just ate a rat. Hate that shit. Light and lean at 94.5 KG.

Everybody's metabolism is different so you have to feel it out like everything else. Instead of using blood work to confirm you use the mirror and scale and make your adjustments to what and when things go in your mouth.
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Up the Tren to .75. Never lost mass on 400-500 Tren a week. That was WITHOUT other compounds. If you consider 250mg test E a factor then yea I had that in there too. At .75mg Tren a day or 100 EOD you'll be good bro. BUT you do have other compounds in there. I only had Tren mostly. You can get away with the .50 EOD or .75 EOD for sure. I've been on T3 on about 400mg Tren before and measurements along chest, arms and calves were kept the same as waist like and stomach dropped. Which means the Tren def held some mass. BUT... I was never a slim dude to begin with, I loved to. I'll FOREVERRRRR so I started out with a lot of mass... Actually, being this lean for the first time in my life is kind of uncomfortable lol but thank god for 3J but yeah bro bump that Tren up
Up the Tren to .75. Never lost mass on 400-500 Tren a week. That was WITHOUT other compounds. If you consider 250mg test E a factor then yea I had that in there too. At .75mg Tren a day or 100 EOD you'll be good bro. BUT you do have other compounds in there. I only had Tren mostly. You can get away with the .50 EOD or .75 EOD for sure. I've been on T3 on about 400mg Tren before and measurements along chest, arms and calves were kept the same as waist like and stomach dropped. Which means the Tren def held some mass. BUT... I was never a slim dude to begin with, I loved to. I'll FOREVERRRRR so I started out with a lot of mass... Actually, being this lean for the first time in my life is kind of uncomfortable lol but thank god for 3J but yeah bro bump that Tren up
hahah i could guess you're from ny just by the way you write cause i grew up on long island

i just have some tren left over from my last blast so i thought why not throw it in at 50mg eod because why not. i would raise my tren right now but i basically dont run any 19nor compounds without caber.

the point of my thread is asking which of the compounds i have, besides tren to decrease the chances of me losing muscle while going balls to the wall with my diet. i think i'll up the test to 525 a week until i start blasting tren in 4 weeks. 4-6 weeks after i start tren blast at 80mg ED and 20mg test prop ED. cant fucking wait holy shit
hahah i could guess you're from ny just by the way you write cause i grew up on long island

i just have some tren left over from my last blast so i thought why not throw it in at 50mg eod because why not. i would raise my tren right now but i basically dont run any 19nor compounds without caber.

the point of my thread is asking which of the compounds i have, besides tren to decrease the chances of me losing muscle while going balls to the wall with my diet. i think i'll up the test to 525 a week until i start blasting tren in 4 weeks. 4-6 weeks after i start tren blast at 80mg ED and 20mg test prop ED. cant fucking wait holy shit

If that's the case, test for sure. Up that. Right now I'm on Tren 700, test p 600 and Mast 600. First time running Test that close to Tren. Let's see how it plays out.
Not trying to blast but I've looked at your threads and you run lots of compounds for long periods and no disrespect just constructive criticism but you do not have the look at all of someone running tren with all these other compounds I think you need to go back to basics and learn your body I see it so many times people rely on the drugs but neglect the most important part food and training. Gear is ment to compliment and take u to that next level. Without drugs I'd say 75% of people on here couldn't gain muscle or loose fat because they don't know how to eat to gain maintain or loose weight. I suggest taking time off from gear and truly learning your bod how you respond to different foods learn how your body responds to carbs fats because evetyone is diffetent timing plays a part also its not all about drugs because ask yourself without the drugs could you make gains how would u look without the gear. If you take this post wrong I'm sorry but when. First ran a cycle I didn't know a lot about dieting and I haven't ran a cycle in years,now ad I look better than I did on cycle not as veiny but people accuse me of running gear all the time now that I have my diet and training dialed in when I run a cycle I will get out if it all it has to offer good luck bro
Not trying to blast but I've looked at your threads and you run lots of compounds for long periods and no disrespect just constructive criticism but you do not have the look at all of someone running tren with all these other compounds I think you need to go back to basics and learn your body I see it so many times people rely on the drugs but neglect the most important part food and training. Gear is ment to compliment and take u to that next level. Without drugs I'd say 75% of people on here couldn't gain muscle or loose fat because they don't know how to eat to gain maintain or loose weight. I suggest taking time off from gear and truly learning your bod how you respond to different foods learn how your body responds to carbs fats because evetyone is diffetent timing plays a part also its not all about drugs because ask yourself without the drugs could you make gains how would u look without the gear. If you take this post wrong I'm sorry but when. First ran a cycle I didn't know a lot about dieting and I haven't ran a cycle in years,now ad I look better than I did on cycle not as veiny but people accuse me of running gear all the time now that I have my diet and training dialed in when I run a cycle I will get out if it all it has to offer good luck bro
whatever you say big rich, but clearly you haven't looked hard enough at my posts. first of all i'm on 175mg of tren a week i'm barely taking tren. second i've only really been back on gear, dieting and training for like 3-4 months. before that i had surgery on my hand which kept me out of the gym for 6 months, and prior to that i was in the military where i couldn't work out at all and got a little chubby.

i appreciate your input though, but before i begin to consider anything you've said i'd like to see how you look