Kidney pain or just lower back strain?

Epic Ed

Still acting 1/2 my age

Age - 45
Height - 5'10"
Weight - 205
BF - 13-15%
Cycle history - average about two cycles per year since 2010. Usually run test/deca, but have run cycles with NPP, tren E, proviron, and EQ.

Current cycle - started on 7/24 running 600mg deca EW/700mg test cyp EW. Included var starting on 8/21 at 50mg ED (25mg in AM 25mg prior to 6pm workout). STOPPED the var on 9/11 due to feeling lethargic as hell when taking it. I figure 3 weeks of var at 50mg ED was long enough to work past any temporary sides and decided I didn't like the price I was paying versus the gains I was making. I'm also taking .25mg of Liquidex EOD and prami at .25mg ED.

On Thursday 9/12 I did a rather heavy and intense dead lift workout and my lower back felt really tight. I didn't have the strength I expected I'd have and I really struggled to get through the workout. I eventually cut it short due to back fatigue. It has been achy and tight on the left side ever since. The pain isn't in the lower part right above the hip bone, but higher and toward the spinal erectors. It feels like an dull to moderate ache and it's like that muscle group is really fatigued. I haven't done deads since last Thursday when the symptoms began but several other exercises I've done (squats, cleans) make it flair up and I get pumped and easily fatigued.

So -- I'm trying to figure out if this is just back pain due to a mild strain or whether this is pain coming from my kidney. I have probably not been drinking as much water as I should, so I could definitely bump up my intake to see if that helps. Aside from that, does anyone have any suggestions for how I can differentiate lower back strain related pain from kidney pain?
Check your blood pressure. If it is sky high, it most likely is kidney pain. That roughly where I feel kidney pain when I got punched there by my damn fool brother last thanksgiving.
Good idea. Will do. If I get high BP I usually have other symptoms that manifest -- bad headaches and lethargy. I haven't had headaches and the lethargy has subsided since I stopped the Anavar (var). I'll check the BP tonight to see where my numbers are at.
Blood work would give you an idea as well. I get similar pains from deads, as well as other issues, which is why they are retired from my schedule.
Curious what you find out.
an X-ray even better if your overly concerned, possible kidney stone as you never know when those things creep up ;)
an X-ray even better if your overly concerned, possible kidney stone as you never know when those things creep up ;)

I was going to say possibly kidney stones, I've had similar pains & then a few days later it happened to be kidney stones, man ! are those painful to pass :(
Something you don't want to rule out that's for sure... allot of people have them and don't know they do until they get an X Ray

I was going to say possibly kidney stones, I've had similar pains & then a few days later it happened to be kidney stones, man ! are those painful to pass :(
Shit...sure as hell hope that's not the case. I've had gallbladder stones and eventually had my gallbladder removed. Can't imagine the pain level associated with kidney stones. Fuck. I increased my water intake significantly today and that seems to have helped. I love dead lifts and it's one of my favorite exercises, mainly because I've developed a strong back over the years and have never had an injury. That's why I have been skeptical about the pain being from muscle strain. I didn't even really go heavy last Thursday and backed off after I realized the tightening wasn't getting any better. The pain also seems to be beneath the layer of muscle along the spinal erectors and low back. When I use a foam roller it helps but I don't feel like the pain is necessarily associated with the muscle groups involved. I'm kind of leaning toward kidney issues. If it doesn't get better over the next couple of days with increased water intake and some cranberry extract I'll go to the doc. Or maybe if it's kidney stones I'll be in the ER.
Hey, i had this when i took Winstrol (winny). I asked my buddy and he said i was dehydrated, i shrugged off this theory and kept asking around. Alot of people were saying it was dehydration, so i drank ALOT of water to prove them wrong and a day and a half later it was cured. I know exactly what you're talking about, its that dull almost "burning" feeling in your kidneys that wont go away.
Man could be from the Anavar (var). I had the worst back pumps from 40 mg dbol doses. I remember thinking something was definitely wrong with me. I stopped the dbol for a few days pain was completely gone. I have heard from many var can lead to the same painful pumps.
Man could be from the Anavar (var). I had the worst back pumps from 40 mg dbol doses. I remember thinking something was definitely wrong with me. I stopped the dbol for a few days pain was completely gone. I have heard from many var can lead to the same painful pumps.

And "var" could be entirely something else these days. Who knows WTF I was actually taking. DBol? Winstrol (winny)? No way for me to test. I'm just going to go by how I felt, which was like shit. Whatever I was atking killed my appetite and had me lethargic as hell.

I've increased my water intake and the pain has been reduced by about half. Still not out of the woods, but I'm thinking this is kidney related.