Koops Log (need strength!!!)


Feeling a bit tired after my first set of squats. New chick in my life has been keeping me awake too much ;)

3 x 300
10 x 225

10 X 275

Seated Shoulder Press (bb)
8 x 145
7 x 145 (fatigue starting to kick in, plus I had no spot)

Seated Bent-over Lateral Raise
15 x 17.5

Shrugs (bb)
8 x 280

Seated Calve Raise
12 x 160
12 x 160

Flat DB Bench
8 x 90 (shooting for six but this was far too easy)
6 x 95 (PR - also easy, almost got 7, needed a little help)

Incline DB Bench
10 x 70
10 x 70 (too easy)

Close Grip Bench
8 x 175

Pressdowns (was supposed to have a mini around my neck for these but I forgot it at home)
12 x 85

Weighted Situp
10 x 95
12 x 95

Cable Twist (not sure what to call this, or how to describe it)
10 x 95 (each side)

Seated Rows (with mini)
8 x 150
8 x 150

Reverse Pull-downs (with mini)
8 x 125
8 x 125

Dumbbell Curls
10 x 42.5

Rope Hammer Curls
10 x 90
9 x 70 (+ mini) - I thought I'd try this just to see, I liked it...

12 x 60
12 x 60

Low back is getting incredibly pumped. After squats I walked to the change room to put some stuff in my locker and I barely made it. Other than that strong workout.

Dead Lifts
3 x 335 (easy)
3 x 355 (PR - beat my old 1 rep max by 10 lbs!)

Squats with Light Band
10 x 185
10 x 185

Standing Calve Raise
25 x 295 (Rest Paused - 12-8-5)

Arnold Press
8 x 60 (too easy)
8 x 65

Lateral Raise
10 x 25

Bit tired due to the long weekend, faded at the end of the workout. Possibly needed more rest between sets.

Flat DB Bench
6 x 100
6 x 100 (PR)

Incline DB Bench
10 x 75
8 x 75 (failed 1/2 way up on #9)

Close Grip Bench
6 x 185 (this was too big of a jump from last week)

Pressdowns (+ light band around neck)
12 x 50 (liked these a lot!)

Weighted Situp
12 x 100
12 x 100

Seated Rows (with mini)
8 x 155
8 x 155

Reverse Pull-downs (with mini)
8 x 130
10 x 130

Dumbbell Curls
10 x 45

Rope Hammer Curls (with mini)
10 x 80

15 x 70
koops2121 said:
Thanks for the video with the bands. I liked these. I just wish I had some higher tension bands for these.

which bands you got? you can always choke um down for more resistance or use two bands per side. i used bands and chains for box squats monday night this week.
I have 2 light and 2 mini. Maybe I'll have to try choking them down. Unfortunately I don't have chains at the gym.
I suppose I could just buy the next set.

Dead Lifts
3 x 365 (PR - easy)
3 x 385 (PR - this was really tough, didn't think I was going to get it off the floor, but after I realized I could do it #2 was easy, then #3 was a struggle)

Hack Squats
15 x 320 (RP)

Standing Calve Raise
40 x 315 (RP)

Arnold Press
8 x 70
8 x 70 (PR - surprisingly easy)

Lateral Raise
10 x 27.5

Lower back is toast. Going to move back day to Monday, chest to Tuesday and Legs on Friday and see if that helps. I might just be due for a break, but I have a wedding to go to in the States in a couple weeks so I'll use that as my time off

T-Bar Rows
10 x 115
10 x 140 (felt good)

5 x 35
5 x 35 (needed help on #5)

HS Pullovers
10 x 180

BB Curl
10 x 80
8 x 80

Reverse Curl
15 x 40

Incline Bench Press
3 x 215
3 x 235 (almost got it, needed a little help on #3)

Decline Bench Press
10 x 195
10 x 195 (too light)

DB Fly
10 x 37.5

Overhead Tricep Press
10 x 115
12 x 115

Decline Crunch
10 x 90
12 x 90
koops2121 said:
I have 2 light and 2 mini. Maybe I'll have to try choking them down. Unfortunately I don't have chains at the gym.
I suppose I could just buy the next set.

i would save the minis for bench..not that you cant squat with them but minis will "stretch out" a lot quicker then the bigger bands especially is you squat with them..

Make sure you are anchoring them around 2 DB's vs using it around the rack..the xtra 5 inches or so you get will make a world of difference in the tension..
If they are set up right you should be getting about 90-100lbs on the bottom with the light bands

3 x 315 (this was so hard! But I got it, my old max fell for 3 reps!!!)

Good Morning
8 x 195
8 x 195

Standing Calve Raise
30 x 335 (rp)

Upright Row
8 x 115
8 x 135 (Big time PR)

Front Raise
10 x 27.5

Shurgs (DB)
12 x 100