


or something like that (lol)
is it alright for teens?
right now I am only taking animal pack,animal pack m,animal nitro (amino acids). i really dont think createn is all that great. I mean alot of water wieght, bloat and a little more atp but is it that effective? I have seen createn micronized. createn with a but load of sugar.createn chewables???? Really dont understand that. like is that for your little child?? (lol) breakfast of champs. kix, flinstone vitamin, and chewable createn.... (lol)
Kre-Alkalyne is PH-correct buffered creatine,,, less acidic and won't cause bloating. Creatine Monohydrate (the old powdered form of creatine) is the one everyone says causes the bloating. There's been WAY more studies on monohydrate then anything.

They've actually brought out a new supplement (at least new to my neck of the woods) called Beta-K. This is Kre-Alkalyne with Beta Alanine. Apparently it gives energy, reduces fat, increases strength and as well with the combined effect of Beta Alanine will "buffer" lactic acid build up during workouts.

I'm starting it tomorrow to see if it's really as good as i've been hearing.

As for if it's alright for teens,,, ehh, debatable, i don't see why not, how old are you?
I took beta alanine for a month and didn't notice anything. There is a lot of hype surrounding it though so who knows.