L-carnitine injections anyone done this?


New member
I tried lookin this up already perhaps im an idiot, so im postin a new thread. Has neone had experience spot injecting l-carnitine for fat loss?
i carry all my weight in my legs and that stobborn fat around the knees i want to get rid of. Thnx! ***128540;
I have done an L-Carn shot twice and it wasn't on a regular basis so im not sure about the fat burning benefits which im sure it works well for but something i noticed was an extremely noticeable sense of well being and clear mental state. I give presentations a lot for work and something i really noticed both times was increased verbal fluency, like my mind body connection to think and speak were fluid as fuck. it was exceptionally noticeable both times, almost what people promote happens with nootropics but ive done noopept and others and never had this experience. I have not done any research to figure how or why this happened by I would def do them again. I tried it at a drip spa in houston where they do IV drips of vitamins and etc but the L-Carn was an IM shot
Yes I've used it and it's way better than taking it orally. I've injected it in my glutes and quads - I'm not sure it helps with spot reduction but will get you lean overall
I used Carnisure - 5ml shot, fasted state, 20 min before cardio.