You run that risk by hopping back on too early. You need to give the HPTA a break, let it function on its own again and get used to functioning.
For all we know, you haven't recovered at all. Your technically still in PCT because the SERMs are still in your system and still stimulating your pituitary. Whether or not you actually recover will be determined by bloodwork done 6 weeks AFTER pct has ended. And even then, if it shows your test levels nice and high it still doesn't mean you can jump back on without a worry. There's always a risk but cutting corners like that makes it much more riskier.
Like I said, if you really care about your natty production then you need to follow the time off rule.
Def not what I wanted to hear. Man I'm so sad. Thanks for the feedback. Just sucks because I got my blood work done in hopes I could find out that everything was good but in reality it was pointless to even get bloodwork this early after pct. I'm 30 years old and like I said I want kids and I don't want to be trt.