Lab test results


New member
I just got my Female Hormone Panel back and here are the results

Test, Serum 422 NG/DL

Estro 24.2 PG/ML

FSH, Serum 4.3 MIU/ML


How does this look?
your numbers look good. Test is a bit lower than i'd like to see it, but still within the normal range. Estradiol is decent, but I like to keep mine around 20-22.

LH and FSH look good!

Your current diet and training history will determine whether or not you're ready to start a cycle at this point.
So 422 isnt real bad?

Real bad? No. I would not be happy with it though. I would be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (I am on TRT), but that's just my opinion.

I had 377 and felt terrible. Now i'm high end of normal and feel great.
The normal range of testosterone is reported as 350-1000ng/dl.

Nevermind Spongy.
You would have to be a total idiot to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life with normal levels.

Besides hormone levels fluctuate a lot - so its only an indication.
Thats actuallty a fairy average #

How it affects us individualy is a different story and only you can answer that!
Deranged, is correct. I am also on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life and would not recommend it for someone how is within the normal range. IMO your blood looks fine. If this is something you can't stop thinking about. I would get retested in a few weeks. Also, I would recommend having your DHEA tested. My DHEA was below normal levels when I brought it up I gained 100+ points on my test score. Best part it took 3 weeks with an OTC from CVS.

Good luck
PhatBastard:I dont buy it!

Feeling great with high amounts of exogene test - just means youre not going to be getting that extra kick and drive when levels return to normal.
Its more a psychological thing - the "feeling like shit".
Im sure you would agree.

If you have avarage test levels - you should be fine.
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Actuall what I'm saying is hormones are very powerfull when were talking TRT! and a 100 diffince can affect different people very differently! Good luck finding a GP to perscride testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with those levels but a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) clinic would very likely do so! When it comes to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) replacement it generally winds up based on how you feel not your #
You don't have in to buy it! But if you do some time reaserching talking to GP as well as Endo you will understand what I meen!
Actuall what I'm saying is hormones are very powerfull when were talking TRT! and a 100 diffince can affect different people very differently! Good luck finding a GP to perscride testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with those levels but a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) clinic would very likely do so! When it comes to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) replacement it generally winds up based on how you feel not your #

my endo "thinks my" stable levels should be around 400-500,but i still feel like shit,but he's that way he goes by the reasearch only,not how a person feels,my levels stay i the 800 range now and i feel so much better
NOt to mentin the scale actualy range from 290 to 1100 in most labs so if u look at it this way he's on the low side of normal! I'm not advocating he go run out and get on trt!

I'm mearly pointing out that 100 point increase to you may result in nothing but to him it could possibly be a big difference! The decision should not be based on # alone!

I still think its a very average #
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my endo "thinks my" stable levels should be around 400-500,but i still feel like shit,but he's that way he goes by the reasearch only,not how a person feels,my levels stay i the 800 range now and i feel so much better

Kinda proved my point there big fella!

If my doctor dosen't take into account how I feel there ass is down the road!
Its true there are no spesific tests that can confirm symptoms are due to "low" test alone -One is a blood test and the other is by characteristic symptoms and signs, and the correlation between those two methods is far from perfect.

To rely on patients subjective notions would be totally unproffessional, as there are multiple diffrent reasons people may feel like shit - "low" test just beeing one of them.

In this case - OP said nothing about feeling like shit either -
and has avarage normal test levels.

Testosterone treatment making you feel "better" - doesnt necessarily mean or confirm in any way that alone was the cause of symptoms.
Besides exogene test may very well be just the reason you feel like shit, because of fluctuations in a bunch of different hormones - or an inbalance rather after a cycle.
Sometimes leading to mild depressions even.

The Endocrine Society* considers low testosterone to be a total testosterone level of less than 300 ng/dl, and I think a reasonable guide. But no one quite agrees on a number. Its not like diabetes, where if your fasting glucose is above a certain level, With testosterone, that break point is not quite as clear.

A lot of this is being driven by the drug industry because clearly they want docs to prescribe their treatments.'
They present testosterone as the alfa and omega of any conditon - wich is ridicoulos.
And ignorants follow this like fanatic believers.

Ofcourse you would feel better on higher Testosterone levels -
but does that mean that its a pathological condition or not normal to have slight lower test levels as oposed to high end of scale?
That you need treatment?
Ofcourse not!

PhatBastard and Bullseye: Youre talking crap!
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