Lab test results

What is the point you are trying to make here? I sure don't see one in your post

High normal is ideal for test levels IMO. A guy will feel great with a strong sex drive and slight aggressiveness which are all strong male traits. Both the guys u callout for bad info are actually on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) through their doctors also

Can you get by with less, sure? but why the hell go through life like that if you don't have to?

Its true there are no spesific tests that can confirm symptoms are due to "low" test alone -One is a blood test and the other is by characteristic symptoms and signs, and the correlation between those two methods is far from perfect.

To rely on patients subjective notions would be totally unproffessional, as there are multiple diffrent reasons people may feel like shit - "low" test just beeing one of them.

In this case - OP said nothing about feeling like shit either -
and has avarage normal test levels.

Testosterone treatment making you feel "better" - doesnt necessarily mean or confirm in any way that alone was the cause of symptoms.
Besides exogene test may very well be just the reason you feel like shit, because of fluctuations in a bunch of different hormones - or an inbalance rather after a cycle.
Sometimes leading to mild depressions even.

The Endocrine Society* considers low testosterone to be a total testosterone level of less than 300 ng/dl, and I think a reasonable guide. But no one quite agrees on a number. Its not like diabetes, where if your fasting glucose is above a certain level, With testosterone, that break point is not quite as clear.

A lot of this is being driven by the drug industry because clearly they want docs to prescribe their treatments.'

Ofcourse you would feel better on higher Testosterone levels -
but does that mean that its a pathological condition or not normal to have slight lower test levels?
That you need treatment?
Ofcourse not!

PhatBastard and Bullseye: Youre talking crap!
Its true there are no spesific tests that can confirm symptoms are due to "low" test alone -One is a blood test and the other is by characteristic symptoms and signs, and the correlation between those two methods is far from perfect.

To rely on patients subjective notions would be totally unproffessional, as there are multiple diffrent reasons people may feel like shit - "low" test just beeing one of them.

In this case - OP said nothing about feeling like shit either -
and has avarage normal test levels.

Testosterone treatment making you feel "better" - doesnt necessarily mean or confirm in any way that alone was the cause of symptoms.
Besides exogene test may very well be just the reason you feel like shit, because of fluctuations in a bunch of different hormones - or an inbalance rather after a cycle.
Sometimes leading to mild depressions even.

The Endocrine Society* considers low testosterone to be a total testosterone level of less than 300 ng/dl, and I think a reasonable guide. But no one quite agrees on a number. Its not like diabetes, where if your fasting glucose is above a certain level, With testosterone, that break point is not quite as clear.

A lot of this is being driven by the drug industry because clearly they want docs to prescribe their treatments.'

Ofcourse you would feel better on higher Testosterone levels -
but does that mean that its a pathological condition or not normal to have slight lower test levels?
That you need treatment?
Ofcourse not!

PhatBastard and Bullseye: Youre talking crap!

well just stating the truth on my health issues,and me talking crap,bullshit!!! you dont know a fucking thing about my health,so you have your opinions and i have my proof of how i feel on the right test levels for me:asshole:......and as Zeek stated im on lifetime testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for your info,so until you experience low T and how it feels,dont EVEN fuckin judge me and tell me Im talking crap,cause i know what the hell im talking about,i live it everyday....
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well just stating the truth on my health issues,and me talking crap,bullshit!!! you dont know a fucking thing about my health,so you have your opinions and i have my proof of how i feel on the right test levels for me:asshole:

LOl this is a rare occasion to see my good buddy Bullseye get worked up over a troll!! :Playboy:
And dumbasses like you give advice to neewbs? LOL

Get the fuck outta here!

The point Zeek is that anecdotal evidence or subjective interpretations dont mean shit!

Injecting shit for life when not needed - you have to be a total idiot - thats the point. Even if the shit would give you higher test levels that make you feel better and are better from a subective point of view.
But at the expense of what?

Thats the whole fucking point with shorter cycles and PCT - to get your normal hormonal balance back.
Only fucking idiots would go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or provoke having to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) when not needed.
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And dumbasses like you give advice to neewbs? LOL

Get the fuck outta here!

The point Zeek is that anecdotal evidence or subjective interpretations dont mean shit!

Injecting shit for life when not needed - you have to be a total idiot - thats the point. Even if the shit would give you higher test levels that make you feel better and are better from a subective point of view.
But at the expense of what?

Thats the whole fucking point with PCT - to get you normal hormonal balance back.
Only fucking idiots would provoke having to go on trt.

Well dude,im dont havet to explain myself to you,or any medical issues i have,you sure the fuck aint worth starting a shitstorm over for sure,you are just another fuckin troll,who is an uneducated fucktard,probably still in the "know it all" stage of life,and you are one that they always say,"there's one born everyday" so my last comment to you is FUCK YOU and have a nice day......:gives:
Possibly subjective to some dumb ass wana be doctor that got his new medical book today!

Your talking out of your fucking ass! The only thing subjective here is your ignorant opinion! If you can read QUATE to me where I advised any one to jump on TRT!

Your obviusly some what educated so I'm gona guess your another IGNORANT fucking doctor! Or a wana be! Either way your clearly a clueless fuck!
And dumbasses like you give advice to neewbs? LOL

Get the fuck outta here!

The point Zeek is that anecdotal evidence or subjective interpretations dont mean shit!

Injecting shit for life when not needed - you have to be a total idiot - thats the point. Even if the shit would give you higher test levels that make you feel better and are better from a subective point of view.
But at the expense of what?

Thats the whole fucking point with shorter cycles and post cycle therapy (pct) - to get you normal hormonal balance back.
Only fucking idiots would provoke having to go on trt.

keep in mind that these guys you are arguing with are already on TRT/HRT ;)

Life is to be enjoyed! not just survived!

low test is not a good way to have to go through life is my point. Low for one guy may not be the same as low for you either and that is something that needs to be kept in mind.

What are the risks of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? there are a few, high hemocrit levels being the main concern but with a little monitoring to keep this in check as long as keeping a good eye on ones prostate any health issues can be avoided and then you just have quality of life arguments.

Do you use AAS? too early for me to read through your 18 posts but I assume you are on this site for a reason?
I guess all the medical studys that show improving low testosterone levels can and does improves one quaility of life is Bull shit also?
You know how I feel about study's posted around the net, they make good toilet paper ;)

In the end personal feedback from guys doing it trumps all that textbook wisdom!

And you and bullseye live it so that is all that counts.
Aww..come on! Pathetic! LOL

To rely completly on patients subjective notions would be totally unproffessional, as there are multiple diffrent reasons people may feel like shit - "low" test just beeing one of them.

What part of this didnt you dumbasses get?

If docs only relied on subjective shit, we would all be on high doses of IGF-1, HGH, Test, slin and a whole buch of other stuff.

After all you feel better on the stuff dont you.....

How about try beeing somewhat objective or try understaning a bit of logic for a change.

Im notsaying anything against guys on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in general.
Just getting through a few points on the hysterical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) industry.

You guys obviosly dont have a clue as to why you could feel like crap after cycles.
Wich is amazing after all - ur the "experts" LOL
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A...come on! Pathetic! LOL

To rely on patients subjective notions would be totally unproffessional, as there are multiple diffrent reasons people may feel like shit - "low" test just beeing one of them.

What part of this didnt you dumbasses get?

If docs only relied on subjective shit, we would all be on high doses of IGF-1, HGH, Test and a whole buch of other stuff.

After all you feel better on the stuff dont you.....

How about trying to be somewhat objective or try understaning a bit of logic for a change.

Im saying anything against guys on TRT.
Just getting through a few points on the hysterical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) industry.

You guys obviosly dont have a clue why you could feel like crap after cycles.
Wich is amazing after all.
Ur the "experts" LOL

Hey BUTT KNUCKLE where in this thread is a coment about coming off cycle

Did someone steal your Lithium?
Never mind Spongy? Are you kidding me? Never mind what? What, exactly, did I advise him to do that warrants that? I merely stated that at his levels, I would be on TRT. Never ONCE did I say "get on TRT," just stated what I would do. For you to come on here and blast us with your nonsense puts you in the same sphere as that college freshmen who believes he understands philosophy because he took Philosophy 101 his first semester. Sure, you may have read "The Cave" by Plato, but does that mean you REALLY understand it? No. Every single person on this board is an individual and ultimately responsible for their own actions.

before you start spitting out garbage, educate yourself on the difference between Total Test and Free Test. At 377, I was considered in the "Normal" range, but my free test was horrible. Plus at 26, those numbers are absolutely in the toilet.

Each individual is different and for you to completely dismiss the merits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for those at the lower end of the spectrum tells me that you have much to learn.

Either that or you're a troll. I'm pretty unsure though. You DO have an INCREDIBLY impressive post count, and looking through your posts it's CLEAR to me that you know more than Bullseye, Zeek, and PhattieB.

Come on man, those guys leave more knowledge in the shower after a workout than most guys could hope to gain.
Aww..come on! Pathetic! LOL

To rely completly on patients subjective notions would be totally unproffessional, as there are multiple diffrent reasons people may feel like shit - "low" test just beeing one of them.

What part of this didnt you dumbasses get?

If docs only relied on subjective shit, we would all be on high doses of IGF-1, HGH, Test, slin and a whole buch of other stuff.

After all you feel better on the stuff dont you.....

How about try beeing somewhat objective or try understaning a bit of logic for a change.

Im notsaying anything against guys on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in general.
Just getting through a few points on the hysterical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) industry.

You guys obviosly dont have a clue as to why you could feel like crap after cycles.
Wich is amazing after all - ur the "experts" LOL

So what exactly is your point Mr morning troll ;) :gives:

good entertainment if nothing else!
A..come on! Pathetic! LOL

To rely on patients subjective notions would be totally unproffessional, as there are multiple diffrent reasons people may feel like shit - "low" test just beeing one of them.

What part of this didnt you dumbasses get?

If docs only relied on subjective shit, we would all be on high doses of IGF-1, HGH, Test, slin and a whole buch of other stuff.

After all you feel better on the stuff dont you.....

How about trying to be somewhat objective or try understaning a bit of logic for a change.

Im notsaying anything against guys on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in general.
Just getting through a few points on the hysterical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) industry.

You guys obviosly dont have a clue as to why you could feel like crap after cycles.
Wich is amazing after all - ur the "experts" LOL

Dumbasses? Dude you havent a fuckin clue how it feels to have low T and the affects it has on an older guy,no fuckin clue!!!! so take your doctors book,ideas,text book research,internet reports and stick them so far up your ass you can taste them when you open you mouth!!!!!:gives:
I rarely see bullseye get worked up! lol. I like to think of him as a gentle man is like 6'6" 290 or something like that!! I'd watch my mouth...haha.
I rarely see bullseye get worked up! lol. I like to think of him as a gentle man is like 6'6" 290 or something like that!! I'd watch my mouth...haha.

lol yea diggydev its ver,very rare I get a mad-on,but morons like this cat just hits me the wrong way,and then its on lol