Labpe follistatin 344 swelling and redness...


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I started 5 days ago. I'm getting a total of 20 mcg per day. at the injection site, swelling, redness and itching have. Too late pass
That's normal for most myostatin inhibitors try dosing only on training days. Are you rotating muscle groups? If not I'd rotate three muscle groups stick with Them until you run out.
I started 5 days ago. I'm getting a total of 20 mcg per day. at the injection site, swelling, redness and itching have. Too late pass

those are normal reactions to follistatin. Personally its very mild for me but others react more to it. Make sure to always do IM injections for myostatin inhibitors, NOT subQ. From my experience and my clients subQ leads to much worse sides.

Sent from my nexus 7
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I do not do injection under the skin anymore. swelling does not! I started to hit the shoulder there is no problem. Thank you for your answers. The results of this page to share it. I will also add shoveling soon igflr3