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I would think proviron would cause virilization as well as its far more androgenic than anabolic
Nothing has caused it as badly as winny.
I would think proviron would cause virilization as well as its far more androgenic than anabolic
Push-ups, Australian pull-ups, shoulder press, lawn mowers, stuff like that.
So...good update!
I did a good shoulders/arms workout last night, and my lifts are starting to significantly go up. For example: shoulder press has gone from 15lbs to easily 25-30lbs. Safe to say these goodies are officially kicking in.
I'm trying a little something today...I took a second dose this afternoon. For one week I'm increasing to 20mg rather than 10mg. With other labs I've gone this high and higher, I'm going to test the waters a little. With anavar even with high doses I've never seen severe virilization; the most that's happened is I become so lethargic I can't get out of bed. So that's the main thing I'm going to watch for. That and of course body conditioning/size.
Tonight is chest...this will be a good indicator. First chest night in a minute. And chest is always a good one to test strength increases. I'll report back and let you guys know how it goes. So far I'm pleased with the progress. Also started a new phase of my dieting, tightening the reigns a little, so that should show as well.
I'm so glad I don't get lethargy from var. It's virtually side effect free for me besides unwanted pumps during daily activities and some body acne. Dbol on the other hand makes me a zombie....but I love it
Those strength gains are pretty noteworthy. You say winny gives you even better strength? I'd be interested to see what happens when you make the switch.
For those of you who have asked for pics, be patient. I'm a female remember. And we tend to be a tad more modest and insecure. I'm not in show shape anymore, this cycle is about getting back to that point. So I'm gonna show pics later on down the road.
Come on, you know you are beautiful just as you are now - but you are working to be even more beautiful. Still, everyone should respect the desire to not post pics until you are ready.![]()
Now wipe the shit off your nose bro.....
I am just being honest, you will see when she is ready that I am right.
Hey guys!
So I allowed myself to take a break last weekend. Shoulders was my last day. I continued to eat healthy throughout the weekend except Saturday. Went to a gun show and enjoyed a hot dog, then that night I enjoyed a nice big fat bacon double cheeseburger. BAM! Then it was back to dieting. Been clean ever since.
Last night was chest. I am now doing 80lbs on pec deck (remember I do 4 sets of 25 as my first move of the workout)...felt great. I increased every move I did. Doing chest press with 35lb Dumbbells is a breeze for 15 reps. My strength is definitely up.
I start winny on Friday. Woohoo! In the past I've been strong as hell on winny, strongest actually, so im eager to see how that'll go.
Tonight was back. As with chest, I aimed to do increases on each move. I'm not feeling fatigued as early as I was before, and cardio is also getting easier. It's really awesome getting back into it. I missed working out so much.
As far as stats go...I am steadily losing which is the plan. I'm going by the scale but I'm also going by how my clothes fit. My jeans are practically falling off of me, and my work shirt that used to be tight is now swallowing me. Arms are getting thicker, but not too thick. Diet is keeping them in check. Allowing myself one cheat per week is doing the trick.
Like I said I'm really looking forward to the winny and what it'll add to this run.
Tomorrow is my rest day, I may do cardio but no lifting.