Lancing acne on chest question


New member
So recently I developed a large blind pimple/sore lump right on my sternum, in the middle of the bone horizonally and vertically.

Typically when i have blind zits and they are quite big and showing no signs of going away after a couple of days, I will take to them with a needle, to allow me to squeeze out whatever is inside them and this procedure usually serves me pretty well.

Anyway, this one I lanced and immediately a decently large amount of steadily flowing blood came out and kept coming, forcing me to abandon the operation and plug it up with a bandaid. It would appear i hit a vein.

I wouldn't have thought there were any veins right near the sternum, but here we are.

Anyway the lump/zit is still there and I cant get rid of it. Any other ideas?
Also, to be clear, I don't have significant acne issues. Rather I just get the occasional big one like this. More of a small annoyance than some life changing disaster.
sounds like a trip to the dermatologist and a a Rx of doxycycline if it doesn't go away