Late night cardio PWO meal

Mr. Humdiddly

Knowledge Receptacle
Due to my supervisor being a dick I now have to split up my weight training and cardio workouts. I am doing cardio at night now. Anybody got any suggestions on post cardio meals for late night. Normally I down a protein shake with oats but, normally my cardio is before my weight training. Looking to keep the body fat levels down or even slightly decrease them.

Currently on Tren and Prop cycle. 4100 calorie diet. Main question is should I take protein and medium GI carbs or protein and low GI carbs?
Due to my supervisor being a dick I now have to split up my weight training and cardio workouts. I am doing cardio at night now. Anybody got any suggestions on post cardio meals for late night. Normally I down a protein shake with oats but, normally my cardio is before my weight training. Looking to keep the body fat levels down or even slightly decrease them.

Currently on Tren and Prop cycle. 4100 calorie diet. Main question is should I take protein and medium GI carbs or protein and low GI carbs?

I know how you feel bro. It wasnt too long ago when I was in the same position. Here is what I did after my LATE workout just before bed:
10 oz chicken, 1.5 c rice amd 1 TBSP mac oil with 2 caps of Need2Slin.

This worked very well for me
the major issue with having carbs before bed besides gaining bf is that it slows the production of gh overnight... which is not a good thing.. so u have to take in just enough carbs so ur body uses up all of it.. rougly.. lol
the major issue with having carbs before bed besides gaining bf is that it slows the production of gh overnight... which is not a good thing.. so u have to take in just enough carbs so ur body uses up all of it.. rougly.. lol

Thanks 3J! I will start tweaking till I get it right.
3J is the man with the experience, but here's my 2cents worth:
I like to do HIIT cardio before bed then down a casein shake with a banana or a cup of greek yogurt with blueberries or strawberrys. What do u think 3J? is that a good alternative to the beef?

BTW i think that cardio before bed is better than before workout. Then u have more energy for max workout.