Leaking a lot of blood. Gear lost?


Pale Gorilla
I just shot my delt and after pulling out I started gushing blood for like 30 seconds. Don't care about bleeding out a lot, but do you guys think I lost any gear in the process? Looked like some dark blood but I don't want to lose gear. I don't care if I bleed until I die I just don't want any juice lost.
I just shot my delt and after pulling out I started gushing blood for like 30 seconds. Don't care about bleeding out a lot, but do you guys think I lost any gear in the process? Looked like some dark blood but I don't want to lose gear. I don't care if I bleed until I die I just don't want any juice lost.

Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose?

Lol, you probably didn't lose much. You should be able to see the oil in the blood anyway.
Matters how you pinned really as if you pierce through a vein then go deeper then your gear shouldn't come gushing out like the blood when you pull back....
however if you injected into the vein then you might as well consider that gear lost as it probably got squirted with the blood.

30 seconds is a LONG time though, how did you find your injection spot in your delt?
Matters how you pinned really as if you pierce through a vein then go deeper then your gear shouldn't come gushing out like the blood when you pull back....
however if you injected into the vein then you might as well consider that gear lost as it probably got squirted with the blood.

30 seconds is a LONG time though, how did you find your injection spot in your delt?

Picked the meatiest spot. 23g 1 1/2 almost all the way in. I always use the same general area. I aspirated and a bubble of air came back. Hope almost all of it stayed in.
I only noticed blood. It was super dark. Hope no oil was in that freaky gusher show. I aspirated and air came back. Don't think it went into the vein but who knows
You ever tried 25g 1 inch pin attachments for your syringes? I don't even feel the things. The needle u use into the vial does actually dull a bit when u penetrate.

That happened to me one time on a glute injection, made me nervous as hell I didn't hit glutes for a while after that.

I wouldn't worry about the loss of gear too much, just inject a lil more next time if you must :)

And you do rotate injection sites right?
You ever tried 25g 1 inch pin attachments for your syringes? I don't even feel the things. The needle u use into the vial does actually dull a bit when u penetrate.

That happened to me one time on a glute injection, made me nervous as hell I didn't hit glutes for a while after that.

I wouldn't worry about the loss of gear too much, just inject a lil more next time if you must :)

And you do rotate injection sites right?

You definitely went through a vein, that's the only reason you would gush like that, right?
You ever tried 25g 1 inch pin attachments for your syringes? I don't even feel the things. The needle u use into the vial does actually dull a bit when u penetrate.

That happened to me one time on a glute injection, made me nervous as hell I didn't hit glutes for a while after that.

I wouldn't worry about the loss of gear too much, just inject a lil more next time if you must :)

And you do rotate injection sites right?

Glutes, quads, delts, and pecs are my sites
Damn has this happened to anyone before. I guess not much was lost since I injected so deep. So many dumb threads tonight but no good answers for good ones lol
Picked the meatiest spot. 23g 1 1/2 almost all the way in. I always use the same general area. I aspirated and a bubble of air came back. Hope almost all of it stayed in.

Not a good strategy.
You can do 23g 1.5 inches, Ive done that in my delt before but all you really need are 1 inch pins.

Otherwise, you don't need to aspirate when in delt, that's more for glute injections.

To find the right spot, I go three fingers down from my acromion process.
#1 find where your clavicle is, it's a nice and hard bone that sits ontop of the deltoid.
#2 lay your index finger just on and slightly below the clavicle, with your middle and ring fingers sitting below your index (as in, index is higher up than the other two)
#3 push in quite hard with your ring finger to mark the area down from the top
#4 wipe the area with your alcoholic swab
#5 pin that area as marked out

You should have lots of muscle to work with and you miss the radial nerve thankfully.
I'll try this. I have some 1" 25g but I like going deep in to not have leakage. I'll do what you say with the bigger needles.
I just shot my delt and after pulling out I started gushing blood for like 30 seconds. Don't care about bleeding out a lot, but do you guys think I lost any gear in the process? Looked like some dark blood but I don't want to lose gear. I don't care if I bleed until I die I just don't want any juice lost.

what do you mean by gushing?
Not a good strategy.
You can do 23g 1.5 inches, Ive done that in my delt before but all you really need are 1 inch pins.

Otherwise, you don't need to aspirate when in delt, that's more for glute injections.

To find the right spot, I go three fingers down from my acromion process.
#1 find where your clavicle is, it's a nice and hard bone that sits ontop of the deltoid.
#2 lay your index finger just on and slightly below the clavicle, with your middle and ring fingers sitting below your index (as in, index is higher up than the other two)
#3 push in quite hard with your ring finger to mark the area down from the top
#4 wipe the area with your alcoholic swab
#5 pin that area as marked out

You should have lots of muscle to work with and you miss the axillary nerve thankfully.

fixed :p Radial is lower in the arm and forearm:)
You didn't pin more towards the front of the delt did you? I've had blood come out nearly every time in delts even if I hit a vessel I apply alcohol swab with a little pressure and stops no prob. Also remember the spot and stay away from it on injection days. Everyone is slightly different and it just takes you finding your sweet spot.