Lee Priest

Thanks for the pics. Lee Priest is by far my favorite bodybuilder. His bi's are the best in the business.
Awesome thread and pics! Thanks man! Lee Priest is my favorite and very inspirational to us vertically challenged lifters.
Lee Priest…what can I say …he’s my idol. I guess it’s because of the fact that I’m about the same height as him. He has the best symmetry out there. Not one body part is overcome by another. And they way he can change his body from his off season physique to his competition physique is very dramatic.
I look up to a lot of pros, but I get most of my insperation fron Lee. The man knows his body and knows what he's doing.

thanx for the pics bro.

Great pics of Lee. He's one of my favorite current bodybuilders. Mostly because he is the same height as me, so he gives me a lot of motivation, just like Franco Columbu.
i'm also about 5'6, and he is just amazing> nice to see us smaller guys can really look "big".
As short as his muscles are, they'd better look big. In that last picture, his arms look like they could be a back view of someone's legs.
Those pics of Lee Priest when he's "fat" are when he got pissed off at bodybuilding, and took a brief BB hiatus. He was admittedly ashamed that he let his body get like that... but I don't think he gets *that* fat on the offseason... I could be wrong, though
i would like to know about those picks when he was really fat. it doesnt look like it was really him. like as if they took his face and digitally fat-inhanced and added to a fat guy. or they digitally fat-enhanced his body too. the range of photography with computer graphic enhancements are awesome. its like they can take your butt-ugly mother and make her look like a goddess.

anyways, lee priest is a stud through and through.