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i know this is prolly beatin a dead horse but i really need some help with my legs....they are horrible....thats really an understatement. can anyone tell me what they have found as the most efficiant way to build my legs and i know rome wasn't built in a day, but this is a greatly important thing and any help is much appriciated! thanks!
deep ass squats...
and i'm not talking about those going really heavy and doing only partial squats..
I mean down to earth squats.
then hack squats..or box squats
leg presses....
what's your routine?
ok so just go deep and moderate heavy what kind of weight? and what to eat good carbs and protien or what do yall suggest that will be most bennificial to leg growth?
it's what you eat, dude.
don't stay with just carbs and protein..
ya be needing all the vits and mins you can get from foods.
go deep with weights you can lift. it's not about going really heavy bec it looks cool. when ya go down there...then you'll know.
ok, i'd like to think i'm not a dumbass, but i've always been told go just below parallel on squats, and this is the first place i've seen go 'down to earth' squats. so my question is, how far down? ass a couple inches off the ground sittin on your calves low or what? thanks for the help.
Squats, leg presses, SL deadlifts, goodmornings and leg curls are the best exercises for legs!

More important maybe than just sticking to the basics is LEARN HOW TO SQUAT!!! Most people squat incorrectly. Do it the powerlifting way, learn how to sit back and down instead of just dropping down. This way you use more of your hips and glutes, which allow you to do do more weight. Bigger weights mean bigger muscles man;)
Also, don't drop down, do a very controlled negative!

I've always had skinny ass legs, as I was a really skinny kid, but my upper legs have grown tremendously through heavy deep squats and heavy leg presses! If I can do it, so can every damn fool on this planet lol
try it..it's fun actually. gudluck and don't worry...it's pretty normal for ya not to be able to go down that low the first time...train with it and you'll be fine.
hack squats for 2x20 squats for 2x10-12, sldl's 2x18-10

For some reason squats always made me stronger but doing hacks first helped build my quads a bit better, i am tall, that may be part of it, not sure.
For me, I have an easy time building my legs.... I guess all the years of hockey and football paid off.

Give this a try:
20 rep squats!
Start with 1 25lb plate on each side and do 20 reps. Add another 25lbs plate and do anyother 20 reps, so on and so on until you can no longer can hit 20! When you are done with those, go over and do some leg curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Next leg workout, substitute Hack Squats in instead of regular squats (20 reps again). Followed by SLDL.

I don't like to do Squats and SLDL in the same workout. I find once you start to life pretty heavy it puts a lot of strain on your back. Good form is key, but I want to avoid injury as much as I can, so on SLDL day I do hacks instead.

Try out something like that.

On squats and hacks, make sure you go ass to the grass. Your calves and hamstrings should touch at the bottom of the lift.

If you are having trouble with your technique, get someone to take a video of you squatting and then post the vid in here.
You don't need to worry about hack squats leg presse or anything until you get Down and dirty with all out deep barbell squats. There are all types of badasses at my gym who do leg presses and hacks all day long. They scream then they walk around with their arms flared out like thier king shit. But put any thing over 200 lbs. on the squat rack and they only go a 1/4 of the way down thats why their legs suck. The most important thing with leg is FULL RANGE OF MOTION AND AS HEVY AS YOU CAN GO.

I always thought u were suppose to do fewer reps w/more weight to help build the maximum amount of muscle?? Am i wrong?? So u guys are saying that doing 20rep squats will help pack on more mass/strength then 5x5 or a program that has u do 8 reps 5 reps 3 reps 1rep 1 rep 1rep 5reps (the 1rep are at 90% or your max)?? THe program i just mentioned really helped me add alot to my deadlift and bench, my squats are just horrible but i have been making good gains w/the program i mentioned. Are u telling me that 20rep squats would bring better results thne my current program?? Do u have any links to videos of people doing hack squats?? Not real firmiliar w/them. thanks
yesterday was a leg day....went down till my ass almost hit the ground. now its frustrating as hell going this light just so you can go lower. all in good time i guess.