Let me have it


New member
I am currently a little under 7 weeks out, here are a couple of pics I took a couple of days ago, I'd post more posing ones but they turned out blurry like the ab shot. The on;y reason I put it in is so you guys didn't rip me about having no wheel pics.

Let me know your thoughts, cause I have competition on this board. Also stats are 5',4" @ 177 lbs.
Shit man, you look sick. that first pic looks photoshopped cause theres a "halo" around your body but im sure its nothing. Sick wheels too. Nice job.
estray said:
Shit man, you look sick. that first pic looks photoshopped cause theres a "halo" around your body but im sure its nothing. Sick wheels too. Nice job.

Ya no photoshopping here, it's just the light all the other ones were like that too.
Good job, nothing jumps out at me as a weak spot. Your legs seem a bit behind on definition. And get some better lighting to show off the cuts.
whats your current cycle , what dose, how long you been running it for , what were your stats befroe adn after, whats your diet like and any cardio

man you look fuking insane bro , vascurity is freaky, good shit keep it up bro
What is it with you Canuks????

Everysingle pic of every Canadian fella I've seen on this board is that of a ultra ripped and ultra swole dude!

Jesus, If I didnt know any better, I would say every guy in Canada is massive, lol!

Great work bro!
goku_kakarot77 said:
whats your current cycle , what dose, how long you been running it for , what were your stats befroe adn after, whats your diet like and any cardio

man you look fuking insane bro , vascurity is freaky, good shit keep it up bro

I'm 30 yrs old, this is my first show prep and the first time I've ever dieted, I have been on the same cycle, other then adding Masteron the other day and the same diet since I started training 14 weeks out, Tren and prop EOD and Winstrol (winny), clen ED. I do an average of about 50 mins cardio a day, all different stuff I was 204lbs when I started,I dropped 25 lbs in the first 3 weeks and my body has been just slowly coming around since.

Thanks for the compliments, also I just want to take my hat off to anyone who has ever done a show before because this is by far the hardest thing I have ever done, and I've had nothing close to an easy life.


you look like a really jacked sean sherk. you ever get that?
JuicEvrything said:
I'm 30 yrs old, this is my first show prep and the first time I've ever dieted, I have been on the same cycle, other then adding Masteron the other day and the same diet since I started training 14 weeks out, Tren and prop EOD and Winstrol (winny), clen ED. I do an average of about 50 mins cardio a day, all different stuff I was 204lbs when I started,I dropped 25 lbs in the first 3 weeks and my body has been just slowly coming around since.

Thanks for the compliments, also I just want to take my hat off to anyone who has ever done a show before because this is by far the hardest thing I have ever done, and I've had nothing close to an easy life.

awesome im doing the exact same cycle in a few weeks testp/tren a/mast/winny/ each at 50mgs ed for 15 weeks ,just adding femara to it its my precontest stack

was wondering since you started that cycle have you gained any Lean muscle / and did your vascurity increase obviously you would have dropped BF..
very impressesd
Ya I did alright with the lean muscle gains. Originally when I got with my trainner he was thinking on stage at 158, last week he uped that guess to 165, around the 8 week mark my weight stayed the same but BF dropped about 2-3% so I think I did alright growing into the show for a little squirt.
Looking good @ 7 weeks. In your front double bicep pose your shoulders are kinda cramped up to your head, you should lower them a little. Good luck with the comp!