Let me know what you think Should I take anything extra?


New member
Right now I'm eating about 5 times a day and I'm taking:
Pro ISL(protein supplement) Every Day and Before and After Workouts
24/7 (Carb Supplement) After Workouts
VegeGreens- With Protein shakes
Leutor BCAA- Before workouts
Hemodraulix - before workouts
Tri Glutamin - With protein shakes

Been working out off and on for about 5 years, more off then on, life got in the way

Got a gym built in my basement
Squat tower- lat tower off the side
Lots of weights dumbells and EZ curl and hammer curl bar

Im 5'10 200lbs 24 yrs old


thats a link to my current training routine
I dont smoke, drink, dont even like sugar lol

the pics attached are me back in 2006 at 145lbs
me before I started working out a month and a half ago
and me yesterday
What does your diet look like besides the supplements?

Just think if you would have spent more time on than off, you'd be huge. Stay consistent man, its worth it!! You def have room to grow. Good frame and all that.
Well I wake up for work at 4:30am every morning, I eat eggs and oatmeal
Have a couple sandwiches at 6:00am and a multi vitamin
Eat again at 9:30am veggies and sandwiches tuna fish maybe some sardines
Eat at 12:00 Some sort of pasta with chicken depending on the day maybe some soup
Take my protein shake and other supplements when I get home at 4:30 pm

workout days I will then work out and supplements again with shake after workout

eat supper at 6 or on workout days just after

and normally a snack around 8 and off to bed to get ready for the next day
Well I wake up for work at 4:30am every morning, I eat eggs and oatmeal
Have a couple sandwiches at 6:00am and a multi vitamin
Eat again at 9:30am veggies and sandwiches tuna fish maybe some sardines
Eat at 12:00 Some sort of pasta with chicken depending on the day maybe some soup
Take my protein shake and other supplements when I get home at 4:30 pm

workout days I will then work out and supplements again with shake after workout

eat supper at 6 or on workout days just after

and normally a snack around 8 and off to bed to get ready for the next day

Your frequency is decent. Maybe want to eat some more meat for protein, but other then that doesn't look too bad. Maybe just up quantities and add in some good carb's i.e. brown rice, sweet potatoes you know stuff like that.
up the cardio. I run 12 minutes @ 7mph everyday before I work out, it gives you a pump and keeps you lean while on the supps. no point being a big monster but can't run a city block. cardio is the key to growing.
really??? do you have anything to back up that very bold claim???

I should give you the same respect you gave me and say "don't be lazy go get the articles your self." but no I'm not that type of guy to hinder information. here is a small article on the subject Cardio & Bodybuilding - Good for Muscle Growth?

and theres thousands more... weird.. anyone who "supposedly is a bodybuilder" should know cardio is a large factor in muscle growth and benefit.
You claim that cardio is the key to growing, which couldn't be further from the truth. Surplus calories are the key to growing. SOME TYPES of cardio do benefit bodybuilders and powerlifters, HIIT being one of them. The article that you posted does have some interesting claims that should no go unread, but also points out that specific types of cardio have to be performed in order to benefit. No where does it say that cardio = muscle gains; it does infer that there can be positive protein synthesis and HIIT can increase a muscles ability to perform at higher levels thus promoting growth.

You've got a lot to learn and should focus on getting your own shit squared away before handing out awesome advice like "cardio is the key to growing".
You claim that cardio is the key to growing, which couldn't be further from the truth. Surplus calories are the key to growing. SOME TYPES of cardio do benefit bodybuilders and powerlifters, HIIT being one of them. The article that you posted does have some interesting claims that should no go unread, but also points out that specific types of cardio have to be performed in order to benefit. No where does it say that cardio = muscle gains; it does infer that there can be positive protein synthesis and HIIT can increase a muscles ability to perform at higher levels thus promoting growth.

You've got a lot to learn and should focus on getting your own shit squared away before handing out awesome advice like "cardio is the key to growing".

hey man, just sharing the knowledge I come across.
I should give you the same respect you gave me and say "don't be lazy go get the articles your self." but no I'm not that type of guy to hinder information.

Cmon give credit where credit is due, it was ME who told you that! And i said it because you asked him to pm you the link of hes journal thats on the top of the my journal section!

But you seem to be on a real decline mate, with this stuff.
I would concentrate purely on compounds, looking at your frame and where you are.

A powerlifting split would give you a great base and some solid mass. Google a program called ´´westside for skinny basterds´´. (not that your skinny but its a great powerbuilding program)

Dont start effing doing hardcore cardio but on offdays low intensity cardio for overall health and recovery.

If you think youl be up for some proper studying and intense training, go ahead and try DC training(its not easy!) google ``cycle for a pennies´´ and after you read it go on to intensemuscle.com to learn more. It will take you atleast 2weeks to study, before starting. Do not do the 3way split if you choose DC. The idea of the program is, in words of Dante himself ´´to get you big and strong pronto´´.

Good luck!
Cmon give credit where credit is due, it was ME who told you that! And i said it because you asked him to pm you the link of hes journal thats on the top of the my journal section!

But you seem to be on a real decline mate, with this stuff.

bahh w.e thats irrelevant. and what does that mean dude lol ohh god im on a real decline, holy crap man..
new pic

here's a new pic of me
oh yea and today I:
squatted 355lbs- 3reps
stiffleg deadlift 305lbs - 2 reps