Let them hate, as long as they fear - Tex24's TEST/DBOL first cycle log

Diet has been poor the last day or two and I drank alcohol this weekend a couple times since I'm off orals and haven't gone out in a while. 198lbs this morning. Girlfriend is moving this weekend and I think my diet will be better then, although I will probably start drinking once a week. I definitely look leaner as I've dropped water which is nice.

Still really contemplating cruising for 4-6 weeks then blasting test/tren. I've been on gh15 a lot lately and the idea theree is that its dumb to go through pct if you plan on using again in the near future. Still have some thinking to do but it my not be a bad idea as long as I pct correctly after. Might take a little longer to recover but it could beat going through pct twice

Please give your body adequate time after this cycle before you start another. Tren is a hard core steroid and shouldn't be taken lightly. Any liver support supps? Get some. Nac is good. I followed your journal and am impressed with your gains.

Just be sure to take the same time off after your cycle for how long you was on. And run your PCT.
Please give your body adequate time after this cycle before you start another. Tren is a hard core steroid and shouldn't be taken lightly. Any liver support supps? Get some. Nac is good. I followed your journal and am impressed with your gains.

Just be sure to take the same time off after your cycle for how long you was on. And run your PCT.

Thanks man, I still have a lot of research and contemplation to do regarding my goals. No liver support, wasn't really worried about it but I'll get NAC and ala next time I run an oral.

Over a week off dbol and am still at 204lbs. Dropped my aromas in dose to 6.5mg ed from 12.5. I thought I'd drop more water off dbol....what do you guys think? I did drop to 198 but came back fast. Could the lower Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose counter the dropped dbol?

Sorry for lack of updates and short responses I've been posting from my phone lately u til I get my internet set up at my new place.
Well I think that might be your answer right there.... Estrogen rebound: your body is fighting to keep a certain estrogen to test ratio that you were effectively suppressing ... Bump your aromasin back up and see if you lose water weight.
But then, didn't you want to stay over 200?
I haven't read much on gh15 but from what I can tell, it's a way of thinking for those wanting to use for pro/competing purposes. It makes no sense to put your body through a year or more of shutdown for an otherwise normal life. No reason to rush bud!
Yeah I wanted to stay above 200 but if I'm going o lose the water weight either way I guess it doesn't matter. I meant above 200 overall. I'd like to end the cycle at 210-215. Still need to figure out if I'm gonna cut/recomp at the end, or if I decide to cruise do it then instead. Yeah you're right about gh15 but a lot of guys there don't plan on going pro as well. I'd highly recommend applying for membership, it takes a while and maybe a few tries but the information is amazing
I'll check it out. Just thinking you aren't on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), so why shut your natty system down for what would add up to 3/4 of a year.... and then what? Will you decide to cruise again? I'd be concerned about your recovery following that long of a shutdown, it will be much more difficult and take longer.
Okay so I'm not going heavy with dumbbells anymore. Actually I might just take them out completely for a bit and focus on BB incline and decline along with machine fly's etc. For a good amount of my cycle I've had a pretty sharp pain going through my inner bicep of my left arm when I do any db movements light or heavy. Possibly due to elbows flaring too much and going up to 110 dB's too quickly. I'm not really sure how to combat that...but it sucks because chest development is my main focus on this cycle. I've also changed it so my second (th) push day is just high volume high rep chest (15 or so sets 8-15 reps) with no direct tri or delt work. I am going to do the same with my pull days and add a bi/tri day at the end of the week to murder mY arms

Was 203 today. Not gonna lie I am looking pretty insane during my workouts. I want to run tren so badly. also Need to eat more!!!!
Alright so I think im going to run epi at 50-60mg for the last 6 weeks assuming I am extending to 15 weeks of test. Very easy on the liver so I'm not concerned about two orals in a cycle but I will get some NAC anyways.

Today my bicep pain felt much better, I'm assuming this is from barbell benching and not using dbs. Moved my gf out today and was exhausted from carrying heavy shit down 3 flights of stairs so I didn't lift. Will continue tomorrow
Looking good! I'll hopefully be starting the same cycle in the near future. I might have missed it but have you started the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) yet?
Any thoughts on superdrol for the last 4 weeks at 10-20mg vs epistane for the last 5-6 at 60mg?

And thanks man yeah I've been on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a few weeks now and balls are normal size again
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Any new progress pics? Good log by the way, keep it up bro!

Nothing recently but I'll get some up this upcoming week. I'm still stuck around 204lbs but my strength is still going up consistently. BB rowed 245x3x5 today. Really need to force food down. Missed a couple workouts this week too, been working a ton and have been exhausted afterwards. Sleep has been poor as I just moved and have no central AC and the south gets hot as hell causing restless nights

Still trying to locate some LEGIT SD for the last few weeks...hmm
Cool log man but I wouldn't be throwing in all this shit and then cruising afterwards... I mean you're still young and it's your first cycle haha. Don't let it get to your head. Take it little by little. If you gain too fast you'll set yourself up to snap some tendons. But good progress. Crazy to see someone getting almost to the size I got to from 3 years of natty training in one cycle O.o
Cool log man but I wouldn't be throwing in all this shit and then cruising afterwards... I mean you're still young and it's your first cycle haha. Don't let it get to your head. Take it little by little. If you gain too fast you'll set yourself up to snap some tendons. But good progress. Crazy to see someone getting almost to the size I got to from 3 years of natty training in one cycle O.o

Thanks man. The only issues I had regarding injury was when I got up to 110 DBs and was flaring my elbows too much and causing bicep pain. I've switched to incline BB and it is gone and I hit 225x5 yesterday.

My goals are changing and I think I might try to compete in physique at some point. I need to decide right now if I want to keep adding mass or cut these last few weeks though as I feel my bf may have gone up a little.
How's the GF taking the size? I think you've made some great progress so far, hoping I can hit the 100 DBs soon! But I gotta find a gym partner that knows how to train lol too many kids at my gym
How's the GF taking the size? I think you've made some great progress so far, hoping I can hit the 100 DBs soon! But I gotta find a gym partner that knows how to train lol too many kids at my gym

She has accused me of being on gear a couple times. We talked about it before I started and she was okay with it then changed her mind. We broke up and I started it then we got back together and I never told her. Other people are constantly telling me how I've blown up etc

And yeah, I need a training partner now that I am back to BB bench and putting up 225+ for reps

I appreciate it man, you've supported this log for a while and I wish you the best of luck with your current goals
Heres a comparison pic between the start, week 5 (last week of 60mg dbol) and week 10 today (no dbol). Gonna run SD at 10mg for the last 4 weeks, stop at week 15 and cruise for a few weeks, get bloods done to ensure I am g2g, and cut to ~8% on test/tren/mast before blowing up LEAN on test/dbol and either deca or NPP. Please no comments on my choice to blast and cruise, it's my decision, I've done more research than you know, and have spoken with numerous very experienced and knowledgable users at various levels of bodybuilding. I will probably try and compete in mens physique some time in 2014.

PLEASE let me know what you think of the progress. Was 202lbs today (damn) but the last few days I've been stepping my eating up, gonna try to hit 210-215 with the help of the superdrol by the end of the blast. I realize now that I've been the same weight plus or minus 3-4lbs for the last few weeks. Not used to eating like a 215lb'er haha. Still feel like I see good progress between pictures 2 and 3 though. Picture 2 has the best lighting and it makes my pecs look the best without a shadow underneath them, making them look bloofy, but they are definitely better now.

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Nice progress man! Definitely looking more solid there... traps and shoulders have really improved, and you're showing nice progress on your pecs. Keep up the hard work and EAT like a mad man! I'm having a hard time eating too... put in my log today that I'm down almost 4 pounds from where I started! WTF LOL

Just keep your blood pressure in check and donate blood, you should be fine. And you know we're here if anything comes up! Looking foward to more progress dude!
You're talking about doing 3 cycles in row... blasting and cruising.... and using tren in your next one.... after completing your FIRST cycle?

I know it's not what you want to hear but you're getting carried away.... and you'll probably find yourself regretting this decision down the road.

You've had a great 1st cycle. Take your time to recover and do a proper post cycle therapy (pct). Then plan out your next cycle patiently.

Just my 2 cents. Destroying your long term health for a physique comp. just isn't worth it.
Heres a comparison pic between the start, week 5 (last week of 60mg dbol) and week 10 today (no dbol). Gonna run SD at 10mg for the last 4 weeks, stop at week 15 and cruise for a few weeks, get bloods done to ensure I am g2g, and cut to ~8% on test/tren/mast before blowing up LEAN on test/dbol and either deca or NPP. Please no comments on my choice to blast and cruise, it's my decision, I've done more research than you know, and have spoken with numerous very experienced and knowledgable users at various levels of bodybuilding. I will probably try and compete in mens physique some time in 2014.

PLEASE let me know what you think of the progress. Was 202lbs today (damn) but the last few days I've been stepping my eating up, gonna try to hit 210-215 with the help of the superdrol by the end of the blast. I realize now that I've been the same weight plus or minus 3-4lbs for the last few weeks. Not used to eating like a 215lb'er haha. Still feel like I see good progress between pictures 2 and 3 though. Picture 2 has the best lighting and it makes my pecs look the best without a shadow underneath them, making them look bloofy, but they are definitely better now.

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Thought I had seen this picture before. I replied to your thread on gh15, to be honest its really up to you what you want to do with your body. Im in the same boat as you right now, lifts are skyrocketting in the gym, and weight is up 20lbs on 500mg test/wk. Im addicted to the gains and I want more so I understand how you wanna jump on tren and all these lovely compounds. Pretty much everyone here will tell you to run it for 12 weeks and then run proper PCT while if you head over to gh15 they will bash you for running post cycle therapy (pct). Its up to you and your goals really, everyone has different opinions, but at the end of the day its your body and your life. You can do whatever you want.
You're talking about doing 3 cycles in row... blasting and cruising.... and using tren in your next one.... after completing your FIRST cycle?

I know it's not what you want to hear but you're getting carried away.... and you'll probably find yourself regretting this decision down the road.

You've had a great 1st cycle. Take your time to recover and do a proper post cycle therapy (pct). Then plan out your next cycle patiently.

Just my 2 cents. Destroying your long term health for a physique comp. just isn't worth it.
Honestly I see no reason at all as to why you can't start tren on your second cycle. The first, I agree, should be simple so you get accustomed to drawing and pinning, learn more, get experience etc. But what exactly will a second cycle of lets say test/deca/dbol do for me to get me more ready for tren? Absolutely nothing. I think running tren has to do more with the amount of research you have done on it and how much knowledge and respect you have for the compound as well as overall maturity.

I've also been reading through a long thread with dozens and dozens of heavy users giving their personal experience of being on for years at a time and coming off for various reasons and being completely fine, having kids, recovering quickly with the correct drugs etc. I understand what you are saying, but I have read and seen too much to give into any sort of fear mongering as long as you know what you are doing.

Thanks for your thoughts man, I appreciate them
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