Diet has been poor the last day or two and I drank alcohol this weekend a couple times since I'm off orals and haven't gone out in a while. 198lbs this morning. Girlfriend is moving this weekend and I think my diet will be better then, although I will probably start drinking once a week. I definitely look leaner as I've dropped water which is nice.
Still really contemplating cruising for 4-6 weeks then blasting test/tren. I've been on gh15 a lot lately and the idea theree is that its dumb to go through pct if you plan on using again in the near future. Still have some thinking to do but it my not be a bad idea as long as I pct correctly after. Might take a little longer to recover but it could beat going through pct twice
Please give your body adequate time after this cycle before you start another. Tren is a hard core steroid and shouldn't be taken lightly. Any liver support supps? Get some. Nac is good. I followed your journal and am impressed with your gains.
Just be sure to take the same time off after your cycle for how long you was on. And run your PCT.