Let them hate, as long as they fear - Tex24's TEST/DBOL first cycle log

Got my SD today in the mail and just took 10mg, going to work out in 30 or so. Most likely placebo but about 15 minutes after taking it I feel wide awake and focused, it feels nice
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School gyms are closed until Thursday, pretty pissed. Did a bunch of pushup variations tonight and am gonna find a bar to do some chins etc tomorrow. Wed is off, thursday I can resume as normal.

Goal is to hit 300+ for reps on BB rows and 250+ for reps on BB incline bench by the end of these 15 weeks. Pretty positive I can do it, hit 255x5,5,6 on BB rows last workout and 225x5,3,3 for incline BB bench. Going to be eating like a damn horse these last 4-5 weeks to pack on as much mass as possible before I start cutting on tren. Looking forward to seeing what this SD will do for me in that and the strength departments
Been on SD for 4 days. I feel absolutely GREAT after I take my dosage (just went from 10 to 20mg today). Placebo or not, I feel very focused and awake and I ITCH to go destroy the weight within 15-20 minutes of taking it. Just hit chest/shoulders and I am feeling absolutely massive. So pumped and full. Loved the looks I was getting at the gym (partly due to small freshmen arriving on campus ;) )Delt pumps hurt quite a bit though, need to get some taurine for that for sure. Really thinking I'm gonna add some solid lean mass these next few weeks

Weighed in at 207lbs today. Been eating more these last several days so I know I'm in for some SOLID lean gains over the next four weeks.
Good progress. Have you figured out your doses for the test and tren?

Thanks bud. I'm still trying to figure that out. Test will be low, 150-250mg/wk. Mast will probably be 350mg/wk, tren will probably start at 50mg ED so 350mg/wk, and I'll work my way up and watch my sides. I'll be using ace, so if the sides hit at a certain dosage I can easily bump it back down and feel better in a couple of days, no big deal.

Really looking forward to shredding the fuck up and seeing all the lean muscle I've added
Sounds like the SD is something I need to look at! I'm not really liking the dbol I have.
What's your cruise plan? I'd suggest 125mg twice a week to get a nice high test level
Sounds like the SD is something I need to look at! I'm not really liking the dbol I have.
What's your cruise plan? I'd suggest 125mg twice a week to get a nice high test level

Yeah I'm gonna do exactly that. And yeah definitely look into SD. The fullness and pumps are unreal. I'm really looking forward to the strength and size gains. Why aren't you liking dbol?
Thanks bud. I'm still trying to figure that out. Test will be low, 150-250mg/wk. Mast will probably be 350mg/wk, tren will probably start at 50mg ED so 350mg/wk, and I'll work my way up and watch my sides. I'll be using ace, so if the sides hit at a certain dosage I can easily bump it back down and feel better in a couple of days, no big deal.

Really looking forward to shredding the fuck up and seeing all the lean muscle I've added

Sounds like a plan. Should have solid results with those doses. I will say you may get tired of pinning ed. Took me 8 weeks. Finally had to step back to eod. Dont forget your caber or prami ;)
Sounds like a plan. Should have solid results with those doses. I will say you may get tired of pinning ed. Took me 8 weeks. Finally had to step back to eod. Dont forget your caber or prami ;)

Yeah I'll see how ED goes, I'll switch if need be. And yeah I'll be taking caber for sure
It's just driven my BP too high. Daily headaches and everytime I have sex lol
The pump has been great but I liked Tbol a little better.
Lethargy is kicking in from the SD unfortunately. Really no motivation to do anything...go to work, lift, etc...it sucks

It's just driven my BP too high. Daily headaches and everytime I have sex lol
The pump has been great but I liked Tbol a little better.

Ah yeah, that would be annoying. Luckily I haven't had any BP issues. I had a couple headaches post workout on dbol but thats it.
Honestly I see no reason at all as to why you can't start tren on your second cycle. The first, I agree, should be simple so you get accustomed to drawing and pinning, learn more, get experience etc. But what exactly will a second cycle of lets say test/deca/dbol do for me to get me more ready for tren? Absolutely nothing. I think running tren has to do more with the amount of research you have done on it and how much knowledge and respect you have for the compound as well as overall maturity.

I've also been reading through a long thread with dozens and dozens of heavy users giving their personal experience of being on for years at a time and coming off for various reasons and being completely fine, having kids, recovering quickly with the correct drugs etc. I understand what you are saying, but I have read and seen too much to give into any sort of fear mongering as long as you know what you are doing.

Thanks for your thoughts man, I appreciate them

Well given that deca is a 19-nor just like tren, doing deca or NPP first would give you an idea of how your body reacts to it. Also, tren is no drug to mess around with. There is a reason VETERANS of the game who sit on a forum board for no other reason than to help people like you, give advice such as waiting till your fourth or fifth cycle to run a compound like tren.

I completely understand if you've done your research bro, but being in the game is not just pumping sauce and getting big. You've got to KNOW your body with juice being in the picture.

Whatever you choose, awesome progress on this cycle man.
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Up to 211lbs

Ack that sucks! Have you fought past it? What causes the lethargy?
I've skipped work for a few days this week (I make my own schedule so it's not a big deal) and I just feel like lying around all day pretty much. I'm trying to get past it but it sucks. Kinda looking forward to being off in a week and a half.
Well given that deca is a 19-nor just like tren, doing deca or NPP first would give you an idea of how your body reacts to it. Also, tren is no drug to mess around with. There is a reason VETERANS of the game who sit on a forum board for no other reason than to help people like you, give advice such as waiting till your fourth or fifth cycle to run a compound like tren.

I completely understand if you've done your research bro, but being in the game is not just pumping sauce and getting big. You've got to KNOW your body with juice being in the picture.

Whatever you choose, awesome progress on this cycle man.
I have no reason to run deca until I am lean (sub 10%) and want to blow up lean. I made the mistake of using aromatizing compounds while above 10% and I regret it (my one regret). I don't really agree with running blasts full of test/deca/dbol when bodyfat is not where it should be for various reasons. What would be the point in running nandrolone first? I'll get the same prolactin related sides (probably more since deca is typically run higher than tren), which I will have to combat any ways. This is easily handled by keeping estrogen in check first of all (which has a large effect on prolactin related sides) and taking something like caber or prami.

So I'll experience more tren related sides vs deca in terms of using a 19nor...Alright, well night sweats and insomnia really aren't incredibly awful (I know they can suck but compared to other sides they aren't much). Mental sides can be a bitch, which is why people use the ace ester and introduce it at LOW dosages first and work their way up, gauging their reaction to the drug. With ace, you can lower or completely remove dosage and be fine again in a couple of days.

I understand what you are saying about being "in the game". I am not a user who just wants to hop on 2 grams of AAS and eat fruit loops all day. I've seen a lot of people like that and it's a joke. I am also not a user who is "messing around with tren". I am going to use the drug with absolutely every base covered and how it is supposed to be used in the proper way. I just fail to see why you MUST wait 4-5 cycles to touch tren, but another 19nor like deca is accepted as fine to use whenever. I think this is a fear mongering, "rule of thumb" rhetoric that seems to be thrown everywhere, much like a lot of other stuff in the steroid game (no offense to you, just talking in general). For as many veterans that are like how you described, I know just as many who are the opposite. Yes, the average idiot teen and casual weight lifter wanting to hop on gear to get their beach body shouldn't use tren at all. But for people who are serious about their goals and know how to get there, and know exactly what to do in certain situations if issues arise, I see no issue at all with running it responsibly.

Thanks for the compliment on the progress man, means a lot.
Up to 211lbs

I've skipped work for a few days this week (I make my own schedule so it's not a big deal) and I just feel like lying around all day pretty much. I'm trying to get past it but it sucks. Kinda looking forward to being off in a week and a half.

I have no reason to run deca until I am lean (sub 10%) and want to blow up lean. I made the mistake of using aromatizing compounds while above 10% and I regret it (my one regret). I don't really agree with running blasts full of test/deca/dbol when bodyfat is not where it should be for various reasons. What would be the point in running nandrolone first? I'll get the same prolactin related sides (probably more since deca is typically run higher than tren), which I will have to combat any ways. This is easily handled by keeping estrogen in check first of all (which has a large effect on prolactin related sides) and taking something like caber or prami.

So I'll experience more tren related sides vs deca in terms of using a 19nor...Alright, well night sweats and insomnia really aren't incredibly awful (I know they can suck but compared to other sides they aren't much). Mental sides can be a bitch, which is why people use the ace ester and introduce it at LOW dosages first and work their way up, gauging their reaction to the drug. With ace, you can lower or completely remove dosage and be fine again in a couple of days.

I understand what you are saying about being "in the game". I am not a user who just wants to hop on 2 grams of AAS and eat fruit loops all day. I've seen a lot of people like that and it's a joke. I am also not a user who is "messing around with tren". I am going to use the drug with absolutely every base covered and how it is supposed to be used in the proper way. I just fail to see why you MUST wait 4-5 cycles to touch tren, but another 19nor like deca is accepted as fine to use whenever. I think this is a fear mongering, "rule of thumb" rhetoric that seems to be thrown everywhere, much like a lot of other stuff in the steroid game (no offense to you, just talking in general). For as many veterans that are like how you described, I know just as many who are the opposite. Yes, the average idiot teen and casual weight lifter wanting to hop on gear to get their beach body shouldn't use tren at all. But for people who are serious about their goals and know how to get there, and know exactly what to do in certain situations if issues arise, I see no issue at all with running it responsibly.

Thanks for the compliment on the progress man, means a lot.

I rest my case bro. Be safe brother.

Was 209lbs at the gym tonight, my diet has been shit in terms of calories, I've definitely been under by a good amount the last 4-5 days

Incline BB benched 225x3, 235x3, 255x3, most I've ever done on flat or incline BB. Chest was absolutely insanely pumped and full today, felt awesome.

Ending SD on friday (few days short) because I am going out of town and will be drinking a little for my uncles surprise bday

My bacne is BAD. Holy fuck. I guess the SD just really didn't react well with me in that sense...seriously need to do something about it.

Also decided to drop the mast on my next blast. I can't really afford it and I don't think it will shine that well at 15% bf

Was 209lbs at the gym tonight, my diet has been shit in terms of calories, I've definitely been under by a good amount the last 4-5 days

Incline BB benched 225x3, 235x3, 255x3, most I've ever done on flat or incline BB. Chest was absolutely insanely pumped and full today, felt awesome.

Ending SD on friday (few days short) because I am going out of town and will be drinking a little for my uncles surprise bday

My bacne is BAD. Holy fuck. I guess the SD just really didn't react well with me in that sense...seriously need to do something about it.

Also decided to drop the mast on my next blast. I can't really afford it and I don't think it will shine that well at 15% bf
I've been battling bacne the whole cycle, so crap I hope the sd doesn't triple it! Lol

Congrats on the lifts, sounds like you hit most of your goals there? And I'd agree on dropping mast, I don't think you want to waste it... Get yourself down to 8% on the Tren then throw it in as a 4-6 week wrap up.
I've been battling bacne the whole cycle, so crap I hope the sd doesn't triple it! Lol

Congrats on the lifts, sounds like you hit most of your goals there? And I'd agree on dropping mast, I don't think you want to waste it... Get yourself down to 8% on the Tren then throw it in as a 4-6 week wrap up.

Thanks bud. I see you're becoming very active over on the other side :D

But yeah, I think my goals were to incline 275+ which I think I could get for a single right now, and row 300+. Not quite there on rows but I should be repping 265lbs today.

The bacne really sucks...I've tried using dawn dish soap as recommended on gh15 but it hasn't done anything but dry me out a little. I'm gonna get a stronger otc wash with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid I think.

I think that's what I'm gonna do regarding the mast. ChestRockwell was saying the synergy between tren and mast shouldn't be underestimated but I really just can't afford 300 bucks of mast on top of the 300 worth of tren right now

I'm gonna go ahead and wait for wizard status so I get approved source gear. Should be within the next 2-3 weeks before I can order assuming I get wizard when I want