Let Us Not Forget...


New member
On this Memorial weekend, those that served and those that died to protect the freedoms that we enjoy.

Even though it may be a US holiday, men & women from many countries have paid the ultimate price to allow us the opportunity to discuss and express on this forum freely.

I personally served in non-conflict times, but have several friends that made a career of it and will never enjoy a retirement, watch kids & grandkids grow up or have discussions with us on this forum.

Thank you to all that served and thank you to all that didn't, but acknowledge what they sacrificed for you.
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Seconded. While I wasn't one of those that served my country, I have nothing but respect for those that have and do. Great thread 2rude4u!
Although I have ALWAYS had great respect for those that have served our nation, it grew even deeper for the sacrifices they and their families make when my son joined the Marines last year. I don't have the words to say how much I admire these people. All I can muster, is THANK YOU.
Although I have ALWAYS had great respect for those that have served our nation, it grew even deeper for the sacrifices they and their families make when my son joined the Marines last year. I don't have the words to say how much I admire these people. All I can muster, is THANK YOU.

Be sure to tell your son thank you for his service for us. Many times it might seem like it goes unnoticed, especially with so much negative drama in the media, but there is a larger often times silent portion of society that cares very much for the sacrifices he and the many others make.
Thanks to all the men and Women who have and are serving this country. No matter how much I disagree with the government ill always have the upmost respect for our soldiers.
I to am humbled when I see a 19-33 yr old missing part of their body or brain to allow to live in this great country...

Get so choked up I can t talk sometimes...
I to am humbled when I see a 19-33 yr old missing part of their body or brain to allow to live in this great country...

Get so choked up I can t talk sometimes...

And unfortunately for us as a society we often times see them pan handling in the street corner. You mean to tell me the ppl that served fighting wars that politicians start who have the entire bottom half of their bodies amputated can't even get government funded help and must be in the street?? That's the biggest crock ofmbullshit I've ever heard. Anyone who is dismembered or SEVERLY traumatized by fighting in wars they didn't even begin themselves should be taken care of not cast like a fucking leper.