Letro is being gay

100% vodka for the aromasin. I filter all my vodka firstl through a brita (any active carbon will do) to remove the extra shit in the vodka so its not officially vodka, its just 40% ethanol. The exemestane will form a nice suspension, very viable.
string_bean00 said:
I had some adex in propylene glycerol (sp) or something that tasted pretty decent.
Bro, I enjoy your posts but that avatar is going to make me hurl sooner or later :bj:
DougoeFre5h said:
100% vodka for the aromasin. I filter all my vodka firstl through a brita (any active carbon will do) to remove the extra shit in the vodka so its not officially vodka, its just 40% ethanol. The exemestane will form a nice suspension, very viable.
Filter through the brita! That's definately something I wouldn't have thought of...what if you just bought a higher quality vodka? :)
Money. I can grab up a litre of vodka for 10 bucks. A brita filter costs 10 bucks for the whole shabang. Pretty much all brands of vodka have a taste to em, and as we know ethanol is 100% tasteless (like mranak had mentioned b4). So, id rather save the cash and produce my own.

I recently "dried" my vodka with dehydrated epsom salt. Worked like a fucking charm but is a real hastle. Id say I brought my 80 proof vodka to ~170+ based on the loss of volume and mouth feel. Boy did that shit go down hard.
string_bean00 said:
Crystal Palace is $11.77 for a 1.75 L!
Package stores=Communism in NC. That's right. Every package store in the state is owned by the state. And every one has the same prices.
mranak said:
Package stores=Communism in NC. That's right. Every package store in the state is owned by the state. And every one has the same prices.

MI owns for cheap liquor. 1.75 Ls for < $12 and 750mls for <$6.
mranak said:
Do they still sell hard liquid at the grocery store up there?

Yep. It's the cheapest place to go. A lot of habib party stores up the price a couple bucks a bottle.
DougoeFre5h said:
2 parts PG to 1 part vodka, 2.5 aint a problem.
Is it possible that PG+EC would work for putting Accutane/isotretinoin into solution?

Non-confirmed info I found on isotretinoin:

Solubility: weakly soluble in water, soluble in acetone, practically soluble in ethanol

So does this mean that I may be able to do 110mg/mL in 190 proof?

UPDATE: more official data from Roche/Australia-

Isotretinoin is a yellow orange to orange crystalline powder, practically insoluble in water, soluble in
methylene chloride, sparingly soluble in ether and slightly soluble in alcohol. It is sensitive to air, heat
and light, especially in solution.

Maybe EC+PG would work?
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DougoeFre5h said:
Letro wont suspend evenly in oil. the crystals are too big and at 2.5mg/ml the error is too large. think about it 1 crystal is the difference between a double dose. That is, unless you are super-savy and you get it into solution with a little alcohol first, maybe at a 1:3 ratio of alcohol to oil. Anyways you get it into solution in the alcohol then shoot some oil in the bottle containing the hot alcohol. The letro will crystalize into a fine suspension (looks like a snow globe and yes, ive tried this with water too - doesnt work well). Then when you shake it the alcohol and oil form a temporary emulsion which might actually be held with ps80 not sure.
Well, I'm wanting to make an injectable letro. Why? Because of gyno, but nevermind that.

So anyway, I obviously can't use ethyl alcohol. I was thinking of water+PS 80 or maybe water+BB+PS 80.

In the post above you are talking about oil+ethyl alcohol, and then you mentioned you tried water instead of the alcohol. But obvously you weren't trying to mix oil+water, right? Curious what you tried so that I don't make the same mistake.

Anyone know if PG can be injected?
If you have balls enough to stick a needle into your nipple/mammary gland/gyno you are more man than me.

PG is safe to inject, but I dont feel comfortable about the idea for some reason.

Isotret suspends fine in 160 proof ethanol, dont be fooled though its not soluble at ALL. It keeps it from clumping too much.

Edit, I dont think heat is the best thing to be applying to isotret considering it comes enterically coated from the pharm.
Would injecting the letro directly into a gyno lump be more effective? I bet with a slin pin the pain would be "somewhat" tolerable.
DougoeFre5h said:
If you have balls enough to stick a needle into your nipple/mammary gland/gyno you are more man than me.

PG is safe to inject, but I dont feel comfortable about the idea for some reason.
Well, maybe I won't need PG. Do you think that water+PS80 or water+PS80+BB or hell, even oil+BB might have possibilities?

I've been thinking about an injectable here for a long time, be it an injection into the actual mammary gland or an injection into the adipose tissue surrounding it. Common sense says that I should start with an adipose injection. I tried some transdermal stuff without any luck; this would obviously bypass the skin altogether.
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DougoeFre5h said:
Isotret suspends fine in 160 proof ethanol, dont be fooled though its not soluble at ALL. It keeps it from clumping too much.

Edit, I dont think heat is the best thing to be applying to isotret considering it comes enterically coated from the pharm.
That post above about isotretinoin was posted prior to my putting it into some Bacardi 151. haha....believe me, I am well aware that it doesn't go into solution at all. Every time I use it (twice/day) it is a clear liquid on top with all the isotretinoin sitting on the bottom (I can't tell what the color is as the dropper bottle is amber). But a quick shake and it is a milky suspension.
DougoeFre5h said:
Do you mean polysorbate or PG when you say PG80?
My understanding is that PG=Propylene Glycol and PS80=Polysorbate 80.

Arg. Okay, I'll go edit my post. I see that I typed PG80 rather than PS80.
string_bean00 said:
Would injecting the letro directly into a gyno lump be more effective? I bet with a slin pin the pain would be "somewhat" tolerable.
I'm hoping to maybe find out. :D