Letter from Customs

and just an fyi guys, fedex, abx and ups both have scanners and xray for anything that goes on a plane for them including domestic, but they have certain criteria they follow right now on what packages they xray or scan, and it is a random process believe me...one of the reason they do a random is due to the amount they ship daily...

so....lets say hypothetically that your source does not ship usps, and does using an overnight gig, or you as an individual shipds something to another individual, on an overnight basis the package does nopt myseriously appear there..it goes from the drop location to be sorted in the local facility, then once sorted, goes off to the airport where there is a ups,fedex or abx plane a waiting...they get loaded into what they call sea containers and get on the plane and fly off to another distribution point to get to where they need to go...they will randomly scan or xray a package like 1 or 2 every cundred or so, or a package that may be tagged from the sort point as hazardous and so on..with proper packaqging, one would be fine...but there has been instances, where the packaging has been shabby, and the xray has showed up something that caugght an eye and was grabbed, although, it may get to its destination, do not think the addy from and to has not been recorded and dropped off somewhere..at all airports where overnighting goes on, ever since 911, they have to scan and or xray a certain number of shipments...and the people running the scanners are not customs agents, but generally carrier employees who have no clue anyhow...but, you must also be concered that if a package does not get to the flight deck on time, say the driver who did the pickup got back to the local sort facility late, that package will arrive on time, but guess how they get it there if the carriers plane has left....commercial airline..mostly commuter jets and not large jets...and we all know how they are there...anyhting delivered at a cargo facility for a carrier line does get xrayed and scanned...if it is what they call an unknown shipper, which does not count for the overnighters, since they are all known shippers, that packaged will be opened inspected and resealed and tagged inspected and put on the plane...and as i said, it will be xrayed if they determine they do not intende on openeing the package....


Since you are so postal savvy, maybe you can answer this. With the massive amounts of packages going through internationally, containing so many different things, How are the workers suppose to remember every drug and generic name that is scheduled and non-scheduled? I am sure that they don't have the time to check stanzolol on a list and see if it's allowed to pass through and they would have to open it to tell what kind of pill it is. I am sure amps are different, though.

I know of a pharmacy overseas that always staples on a packing list . They actually write methyltest, stanzolol, methenolone on the list of contents and it gets through everytime. Strange?
I can see amps coming up on an xray looking suspitious but with pills, there are just so many different kinds and with most drugs the US Law states you can import up to a 3 month supply at one time.
not postal savy...but i did spend 2 years with airborne and i was there through the changes after 911, although i am no longer there..moved on to greener pastures...anyhow, most items come in from overses via ship or plane, if by plane, the are in the same containers as i repoted above, and they do not check all packages in customs as you would be made to believe..there are lists in certain zones , for say they look for items marked with certain postage markings, stamps etc...and pull a few to check...this can be done in the shipping location, or when it arrives to the destination ports...there are only certain ports that imports com into, it is not like there is a port for imports in every state that touches water.....there are a lot though...if the packages come via water, which generally never happens, they are in containers, the big steel things you see on the rail cars etc...those are trandomly inspected...there are thousands of them that come into port, and they randomly check those...the cahnce of getting seized via water is slim to none...but on the air arrivals, it is much easier to get popped...technically the FAA has everything regulated to be scanned at least when it comes into the US....this is where the customs agents come in...generally at the ports of entry, there are agents and there are customs employees, and i will not call them agents, they are the guys that scan and xray everything, and their are the customs agents which watch the xray and scanners to check items...they do not have the time to check addressing etc like on the shipping location, but they believe it or not, do have an eye to grab what comes in if they feel the need...some will not bother with tabs, but some will...it is up to ther screener, so there is where you chances lie...but, if they see an amp, they will generally grab it...and at least open it...if they know what it is, they hold it...if not, they will seal it and send it to you...now, for the guys that ship regularly from a certain area, lets say hypothetically from europe, everything that comes over to the US goes through one point of access...this is where they can have a list of shipping points to the US to watch for certain shipping addresses or cities or countries of origin, and the customs agents get an updated list very often of what to look for from who...this is where a source is being monitored coming into the US and that is why so many people get seized, and then you see like 5 bros stating they got seizure letters, aparently they use the same source aye...thus the reason a good source will have a seizure policy with his bros as well as spectacular packaging...but it is a bit left to chance also, figure you package has the opportunity to be popped 2 times, once at the shipping port and once at the delivery port.....and they dont have to remember a name of a drug, they have a list and most stations have a computer, and it is easy to look up a drug name on a list or on a computer data base....and as far as xraying goes, if packaged correctly, the xray will show nothing but a black item or grayed out pics...as far as the overseas pharmacy goes, if they are blatent enough to ship with contents on the package for god and the world to see, dont think they are not being watched. It is always better to be careful then to be sorry...and US law says you can have a 3 moth supply of what? Not a controlled substance! Also, that is why most sources would,do can or should ship tabs out of the box or packaging....it is hard for anyone to determine russian dbolo from a potassium tab....

Good insight! The 3 month supply does not include most scheduled drugs but I believe some diet medications which are scheduled IV are allowed.(not positive) I have also heard that Androderm, Androgel, and Andriol pass rather easily even though they are scheduled IV.

Obviously, after reading Biggie's post, it sounds like a much better idea to stick with a domestic source.
I belive that domestic is the way to go, but the people i know have had no issues with their international orders...due to excellent packaging...
