LGD blog from Sarms Search


New member
I started my cycle of LGD from Sarms Search. I can already see the growth and it's day 3. I wanted to wait until a few days to see the difference. I've tried LGD from numerous companies and I can tell already this stuff is dosed perfect. I've put on 1.5 pounds and I feel a huge surge in the muscles I'm working on. It feels like it's getting stronger each workout. I will now keep you updated daily on the progress.
Wow, impressive start! I just ordered a couple bottles of LGD. Can***8217;t wait to try this stuff! Looking forward to seeing how this treats you.
Wow, impressive start! I just ordered a couple bottles of LGD. Can***8217;t wait to try this stuff! Looking forward to seeing how this treats you.

Today I woke up and my whole body is sore. It feels great. I can literally feel my chest muscles throBbing. This has gotten me out if a definite plateau. Not trying to sound like I'm hyping it up, this stuff so far is legit gtg!!!
Is it making you hungry? I've seen people say how LGD makes them crazy hungry! I may run mine in November for an all out bulk!
Is it making you hungry? I've seen people say how LGD makes them crazy hungry! I may run mine in November for an all out bulk!

That was one of the main side effects i noticed. I couldn't get enough calories in, yet I was still leaning out.
Topher: since you only have three posts, why don't you tell us about yourself? Let us get to know you.

And I would love to see some before and after pics to go along with your blog. Can you put up a pic of you now holding a card that says 'Ology and today's date please? That way we will know it is a pic from today.
I sure will. This is my first time ever blogging my experience. I'll get better ass I hear what you want to hear about. I'm 32, 6'0, 199lbs. Not sure on BF but I know it needs to be less. I'm a full time firefighter so I work hard and got the gym daily. I've ran nothing but SARMS and PH cycles. I'm running LGD alone at the moment but I usually stack Osta, S4 and MK or LGD.
Let me know anything I'm missing. I'll get you a pic when I get home. Thanks guys!!
Is it making you hungry? I've seen people say how LGD makes them crazy hungry! I may run mine in November for an all out bulk!
Yes! I've always got a huge appetite but it's making me crave junk to. That's how I know my appetite is up. I just eat my regular meals and a ton of yogurt.
I ran nolva on my last cycles and had no supression. When I run a triple or add I in cyp them I'll run Clomid with it. I know LGD is more suppressive than Osta but still not to bad. I will get blood work done though to ensure it gets back to natty levels. I will definitely blog my pct also. Man I love the input on here. I may just stay on here with all my cycles. Thanks!!
Still working on the pics. Sorry I'm not good at this stuff. I'll try and download them tomorrow. I'm a little over a week in and my hunger has completely gone away. I'm forcing myself to eat my regular regimen of protein and carbs. I still feel good in the gym but lethargy outside of it. I also am seeing results. My muscles in my shoulders and traps feel harder. It feels like osta and trest together. Not near the same growth but the same hardness. I'm looking forward to seeing the end results.
No, no sick feeling. I feel normal but I usually have a pretty good appetite. The past 3 days it has gone away. I'm having to make myself finish my meals.