Sarmssearch sponsored LGD blogspot

And a couple days turns into more :-(

I owe Sarmssearch an apology for this half-assed blog. This winter is kicking my ass! Night after my minor surgery I get possibly the worst flu bug ever. Ive never puked so hard or so long since I got giardia in college. Every half hour from 9pm till 2am. Wifee was the best. When I get a stomach bug, bring me a pillow, a blanket n leave me the hell alone as I will be fetal on the floor next to the John. Just let me die! Lol!

So Im back. Weak. Down a few pounds but back

10 min elliptical
Db bench: 55x10, 65x10, 75x10, 80x8, 95x4
Db Pullover: 50x10, 60x10, 70x8, 80x5
Db standing military: 25x8, 30x8, 35x8, 40x8, 45x8
Cable lat: 80x12, 100x10, 110x10, 120x10, 140x8
Pec deck: 100x12, 120x12, 140x12, 160x10

Weight 222, cals 2125, carbs 34, fat 34, protein 31(209g)
Happy New Year to you OD, hope you all are feeling better. Looks like that flu went all around as it hit our house too and just now getting to feeling better. this cold dont help at all either but glad to have a big ass fireplace to lay next to.

the CDC (center for disease control) stated that over 60,000 people where affected so you can double that number for unreported illnesses and 20 children died due to it. bad stuff.
Hard to say if it was H1N-whatever or we have also got norovirus round here. Just been a seriously bad flu season! Guess bigger muscles still gets ass kicked by a stupid virus! Lol
Wimpy leg day :p but still at it

Plated squat press: 200x8, 380x8, 470x6, 380x8/6
Leg extensions: 100x12, 140x12, 180x12, 200x12/12
Laying leg curl: 80x12, 100x12, 120x10, 140x10, 160x6
Weighted calf raises: 100x15/15, 100x12 slow w/hold

Weight 223, cals 3940, carbs 40, fat 42, protein 18(169g)

Gonna turn up the LGD dose tomorrow
LGD now 1ml/day

Bicep focus:

10 min cardio
Standing db curls: 30x8, 35x8, 40x5: sitting 45x4, 35x7
Db shrugs: 90x10/12/12/8
Oly bar curl: slow drops- 65x6/8/6, 55x9/10
Ez bar preachers: 45x12, 65x8/9/6

Out of steam. Strength still down, but good pump and now a few hours later my hands & arms are so weak!!!

Weight 226, cals 4370, carbs 39, fat 38, protein 23(253g)

Time to start cleaning up my diet a bit. Getting a bit sloppy:-0
Triceps day last night. REALLY good pump. So good that by the last set, if I held tension for any time at all my tris would painfully cramp!

10 min cardio

Flat bench (which I never do outside a cage but gym is super busy): 115x8, 135x8, 165x8, 185x6, 205x3

Standing db military: 30x8, 35x8, 40x8, 50x6, 60x3
Incline smith: 95x8, 115x8, 135x8, 155x8, 185x6
Pec deck: 100x12, 150x12, 200x8/6/8
Cable tri: 60x12, 70x10, 80x6, 70x6, 60x10

Weight 228.5, cals 4330 (day 1 of clean diet =fail lol), carbs 32, fat 37, protein 31(279)

Headed to gym again now. Skipping legs. Still really sore
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Back n bicep- focus on back

10 min cardio
Cable lat wide: 100x12, 120x12, 140x10, 160x8, 180x6
Cable row narrow: 100x12, 120x10, 140x8, 160x8, 180x6
Cable lat narrow: 80x12, 100x13, 150x10, 180x6/6
Oly bar row: 95x8, 135x6/6, 225x4 short
Upward Cable fly: 20sX12, 60sX8/8

Weight 227, cals 4105 (day 2 of cleaner diet = more fail lol), carbs 33, fat 32, protein 35(390g)

Gonna turn up the LGD another notch for a strong finish tomorrow. Split: 1ml morning + 0.5ml evening

.... gym busy. Typical resolutioner surge. Oh yeah, did I mention whistling dude? Yeah. That guy
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1.5ml LGD day. All good! Wife notes I am emitting a not unpleasant odor and my body temp is definitely up. Had to move to the ice box (upstairs bedroom) so I could sleep last night!

10 min cardio
Db bench: 60x13, 70x10, 80x10...and right shoulder acts up again
Standing db military: 35x8, 30x8, 25x12/12/12
Standing db tris: 15sX12, 20x12, 30x8/6, 25x10
Db Pullover: 50x12, 55x10, 60x8, 65x6, 70x6
Cable rope tri: 80x15, 100x12, 120x10, 140x8, 80x15

Good pump!

Weight 227.5, cals 3270, carbs 39, fat 29, protein 32(265g)
10 min cardio
Ez bar preachers: 55x12, 75x10, 85x8, 95x6/6, 105x5
Oly bar curl: 65x8, 85x6/6, 70x6/6/7 - quick ups, slow downs
Slow Cable lat: wide- 100x12, 150x8, 200x4; narrow- 200x4, 150x6
Db shrugs: 80x12, 90x10, 80x10; 80x10/10 with holds
Chainsaws: 60x8/8 and Im toast

Weight 227.5, cals 3910, carbs 37, fat 39, protein 24(217g)
LGD almost gone. Interesting stuff. Beginning transition to major change starting today. As some of you know, wifee is my attitude barometer. Thats the way this team operates. She lets me know if Im getting too grumpy, whiny or aggressive. ....and she has. Its an issue I always have with equipoise at some point and that point has arrived. Time to shift gears!

This test/eq/LGD bulk also has put fat around my middle and moobs. I have some gigs coming up so its time for a cut. Once the LGD is gone, Ill summarize this blog and jump back to my regular running blog with a:

Test/tren/masteron run! My biggest ever btw!

So Yesterday, still skipping legs:
20 min cardio
Db bench: 50x10, 60x10, 70x8, 80x8, 60x8 - shoulder still sore
Db Pullovers: 50x10, 60x10, 70x8, 80x6, 60x6
Incline smith: 95x8, 115x20, 135x10, 155x8, 165x6
Decline bench: 95x10, 115x10, 135x8, 155x6
Cable tri: 100x12, 120x10, 140x6/6
Pec deck: 120x12, 160x12, 200x6

Weight 225, cals 4110, carbs 31, fat 36, protein 30(286g)

Feeling good but needing lots of sleep. Right shoulder only hurts for certain movements. Left leg /knee been giving me a bad time for a while now. Probably should have run deca instead of tren! Lol. Vascularity waaayyyy up. Appetite up also (craving sugars/carbs) but that esophagus restriction feeling keeps my quantities per meal low. Libido lower but function good.

Banjo practicing good. Winter is over. Gotta get it back in shape for coming gigs. Bowling good too btw lol!

Stay tuned!
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Tonite I told my legs to quit yer bitchin n git back to work!!!

10 min cardio
Plated squat press: 200x12, 290x10, 380x10, 470x8, 540x8 short
Db squats: 50x8, 60x8, 70x8, 80x8
Leg ext: 120x12, 160x12, 200x12, 220x12, 230x8-a New PR
Laying leg curl: 80x12, 100x12, 120x12, 140x10

Legs are not happy but tough titty. Feeling good, looking chubby. Lol!

Probably one more LGD day. Up to 2ml/day today for a final kick
Yesterday off. Date nite.

Today spent mostly on da cables:
10 min cardio
Narrow cable rows: 100x12, 120x12, 140x10, 160x6, 200x4
Underhand row: 120x10, 140x8, 160x6, 180x6, 200x6
Wide cable lat: 100x12, 120x12, 140x10, 160x6, 200x4
Oly bar row: 95x8, 115x6, 135x6, 145x6
Narrow lat: 100x12, 120x12, 140x10, 160x8, 180x6, 200x6

Weight 226.5, cals 4190, carbs 40, fat 32, protein 28(273g)

tired but not at all winded. Cardio strong. One more LGD day to go!
The LGD is gone :-(
Good gym day except for the continued shoulder issue

10 min cardio
Smith: 135x12, 185x8, 205x8, 225x6/4
Db military: 25x12, 35x12, 40x10; 50x4 (right shoulder pain)
Db bench: 50x12, 55x10, 60x6, 50x12, 60x8
Cable rope tri: 80x12, 100x12, 120x12, 140x8, 160x6
Pec deck: 120x12, 150x12, 200x6/6/6

So, how is the LGD? Taste pretty bad lol. But I got out of it about what I expected considering the AAS Im on! A person on just trt would really notice the boost! What I should have known from my last LGD test was: just order 2 bottles next time. The dose I need where Im at now is 2mls/day and one bottle just starts to kick about the time I run out!

Afa Sarmssearch? I just purchased more from them. They have always been good to me and this forum. Support these sponsors, if you can

Time warp:
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Hey old duffer I want to give you props and say great job on your log. This log is the most thorough and updated I've ever seen. When I do logs I come from a different angle but this should be a blueprint for anyone that hasn't done a log.

Thanks for being very thorough.
Just a follow up for back when I mentioned that one notes effect the most after stopping... so i am noting the mood boost I got from the LGD as I have been really down these last couple days. Flat would be a good description. Not upbeat. Less enthusiastic maybe.
Seems so. I noticed it more last run but I think that is because this run I was sick so much with the flu!

This flu bug really screwed my blog this time :-(