Lift's First Cycle

Looking big.....Youll be crazy when you cut......another tall guy thank god im not alone......Im 6'6" just did my already planning #2?
why the shirt on bro? legs? how about a most muscular (crab)

great gains, youll be very happy when you come off and the water weight drops.
Thanks for the complitments guys. I know a real cut is in my near future, I'm thinking I will try to recomp a little for cycle #2 and then really cut with my third one (which will be next summer). I'm pretty happy with the back pics considering I haven't done any heavy pullups or rows in weeks. And Jimmy cardio is overrated! :)
Yesterday was the first lifting since coming off and I have to say it was not a bad workout. Did triples on bench. 315x3 365x3 405x2 (almost had 3). Would have had another rep or two with the juice but I feel pretty good abou it since I've come off. HS rows warmup+ 4 plates per side x8 narrow neutral grip, x8 wide neutral grip, x12 overhand grip. Arnold press 80's x6 90'sx6 100's x6. (Need to do more freeweight OH presses these were a little shaky. 20 rep cable shrugs and out.
Legs today. I decided to ease back into squatting with a good old 20 repper. Hit 285 for 22 reps completely raw. This is a raw pr for me as I've done 295x20 but I had my knees wrapped up. My god my heart was pounding after this set. Afterwards weighted abs superset with zottman curls and that was enough for the day.

So far no negative effects from post cycle therapy (pct). Sex drive has been great. Nothing else to report.
Upper body workout yesterday. Incline bench 315x9, I was right to cut the weight back on these my chest didn't feel recovered and my shoulders were tiring early. Decided to keep it at one chest press today. Pulldowns 250 x 8, 265 x 8, 285 x 8. Did not like the way my bicep felt on these, especially at the beginning. It seemed to get better as I warmed up. HS high rows. 3 plates per side x 8, 4 plates x 8, 4 plates and a 25 x 8. Upright bb rows 115x10x3. Weighted crunches 3 sets.

Appetite has been good. First coming off I was down to 290 but now am back up around 294-295. Still eating 8 meals a day.
Warmachine said:
its a good idea to ease up on the volume for a little while post cycle. keep the cals up and youll keep your size!

I think you are right about this one. When I first started post cycle therapy (pct) I had 5 days out of the gym and that helped me come back hard. I am going to start spreading my workouts out a little more for the rest of the month.
Been kind of lazy posting on here lately 4 days ago did legs then today decided to do full body to give myself an extra day out of the gym. Incline HS press. 4 plates +25 per side x10 (PR-had not done these in a very long time). Reverse grip bb rows (testing out the bicep) 225x8 reverse grip, 225x12 overhand grip, 225x12 reverse grip. Don't know why but at this point I puked. Thought about leaving but was feeling alright so I decided to finish. Leg press 10 plates per side x20. This set was killer.
Last night worked out in the garage. Have a bench, olympic bar, plates up to 300 and db's up to 25 so I had to be a little inventive but I had a decent workout. Bench 300 x 12. Rows (overhand grip) 225x10, 225x12. Side laterals with db's.

Since coming off I have had a little acne. Mostly just getting big single zits in random places for example my tricep, forearm etc. I have gotten a little emotional a few times but nothing major, just a few bouts of unwarranted sadness that I immediately knew was the roids. Sex drive has been a little low but not below normal and sexual function is as good as ever, in fact has probably improved. Testicles have gotten much firmer. Overall post cycle therapy (pct) has been very smooth so far.
were are your before pix...
and i read almost every forum here.
post pix in memeber pix area.

LiftTillIDie said:
Alright the first round of pics are in. Took these yesterday at a very light 290. I had been losing weight the past few days and camping the night before last didn't help. Will have more shots up on monday or tuesday and they will include leg shots. Do you guys think I should post the full set in a different forum? I'm wondering how many members actually read these journals.




Jimmykick said:
You're huge
how about some shirtless front shots?

ok that felt gay

You got it big boy ;)

Coincidentally I took some shots night before last during my garage workout so as soon as my lazy roommate uploads them I can post them. And this does include at least 1 shirtless front shot.
LiftTillIDie said:
Hey lady. Welcome to the board. You can access a whole new world of knowledge here.
I'm looking forward to it. I've lurked here a few times, but never felt the need to post. I don't have much to offer on the subject. LOL
Did some light lunges knees to ground, along with high rep shrugs, curls, and one arm tricep extensions. Worked out in my garage again. I wish I had more weights and space I like working out at home.