Liquid Letro , how to dose for cycle ?


New member
I know letro is not the best idea for an ai and is extremely strong but its the only AI I have on me and ive had it a bit so im going to use it . ON week 4 of test 700mg and tren e 400mg
per week and starting to notice some sides and think its time to kick in the AI . its dosed at 2.5mg per ml ( letro) so I think im going to try to take it at .25 to .5 e3d ? what do you guys think ? its also a little hard AND SEEMS VERY LOW to only dose the stuff at like line 1 in the syringe .... so sometimes ill suck up 0.5ml = 1.25mg then cut that in half and use that ( first week) = 0.75ml and that's .25ml in syringe . seems like a super small amount I know but I want to be safe . anyone have experience here
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I really don't want to give doses as it's VERY easy to crush estradiol with letrozole, but I will say that it's in your best interests to get a few blood tests to see how you respond.

It took me several weeks to figure out what doses I could use on both blast and TRT. While I do prefer letro, it certainly deserves respect as it is very potent stuff.

I think you're on the right track (we're all different, so what works for me likely won't work for you), but definitely take your time and make small adjustments.

My .02c :)
i think running .25mg e3d should be ok.. though i think your estrogen will still be too low on such a dosage.. letro is so powerful
alright guys thank you . im going to give it a try for a few more days and see hows that seems to work . then ill try to make adjustments from there . for me im in Canada so I don't realy know how to go about trying to get bloodwork done . otherwise that would be my first option . I may have to try and realy feel it out here
i think running .25mg e3d should be ok.. though i think your estrogen will still be too low on such a dosage.. letro is so powerful

I agree with this,I love femara aka letro by far my favorite ai just be careful not to over do the dosing
I have a question for you. Where can i get some real letro i been seeing there are a lot of water down stuff online companies are selling and down want to waist my money on that bs running around
I have a question for you. Where can i get some real letro i been seeing there are a lot of water down stuff online companies are selling and down want to waist my money on that bs running around

Don't ask for sources, read the rules. There is a lion at the top of your page to guide you in the right direction!
I am taking 600mg of test-cyp, 400mg of deca, and 500IU of HCG per week, divided into two 3.5day shots. I have been using 0.25mg of Letro E3.5D since starting this cycle. My 3 week blood work came back showing an E2 level of 28.4 with a normal range of 7.6 - 42.6. Take it for what it is worth, since everyone is different in how they respond to Letro. It is one of the reasons it is not recommended...that and it is so strong you can crush your E2 with it easily.

EDIT: Had not noticed it was a thread necro. Still, the info may be useful to someone so I will leave it up.
I have a question for you. Where can i get some real letro i been seeing there are a lot of water down stuff online companies are selling and down want to waist my money on that bs running around

rui-products..I use letro for my ai while on cycle....never had an issue.