Community Veteran
Anyone like??? Dislike????
Let's hear some feedback........I'm hearing some concerning stories!

Let's hear some feedback........I'm hearing some concerning stories!

what kind of stories bro you dont have to name brands until we know moreDRveejay11 said:Anyone like??? Dislike????
Let's hear some feedback........I'm hearing some concerning stories!
house1 said:i am on it now. i am not aloud to say where i got it from
but my take on it so far .
on it for two weeks now taking 125 mcgs a day and feel nothing. i have never done t3 [tab form] before but at 125mcgs a day of liquid if it was t3 you would think i would fell something no fat loss, no feeling heated, nothing, nada. i will be taking it as a loss and pick up some tabs
my wife is on 50 mcgs a day and is getting nothing from it aswell