Liquidex question


Steelers = SuperBowl
Ok it is well documented that liquidex will mess up your cholesterol profile. Fine. My question is how long does it take once liquidex intake has ceased before your cholesterol profile adjusts back to normal? Also is there anything out there, OTC or black market that can help manipulate the profile back to normal after stopping the liquidex?

For someone planning on using liquidex for almost 3 months @ 0.5 mg/ed, there is no question that the profile will get messed up, I just want to make sure that the profile will ease back to normal ranges once the compound is stopped.
Biggie, these were my lipid profile numbers after a cycle that included Arimidex & Winstrol (winny), so not too sure which one messed up the profile worse, but the numbers speak for themselves.

.Results...................Jun 02..........Jan 03..................Normal

HDL Cholesterol.......0.21..............0.99...............[>.90]mmol/L
LDL.......... ""............4.91..............3.17...............[<3.4]mmol/L
Total Chol/HDL Ratio..28.8..............4.7................*
*males; avg=5,less than 3.5(low risk), greater than 9(high risk)

From everything my doctor told me, it takes quite some time to make positive changes and he was most impressed with the change to my profile which happened over 6 months.
I was taking Flush Free Niacin to improve it, but have since changed to Garlic tabs, since reading that Niacin is hard on the liver.
Thank you SC. Question: Would you recommend using garlic tabs while using arimidex/liquidex to help the profiles from getting too messed up? Did your Doc give you any info on this?
I think armidex and winstrol in a cycle is a bad combo, or any oral for that matter, what affect does aromasin have on chloresterol?
Realistically though, most contest cutting cycles should contain winstrol and arimidex as well as a host of other drugs if you are looking to do some damage at the show.
RoadHouse said:
Ill take tren over Winstrol (winny) any day.

Why not both? Those two compounds in combination with a couple others drugs made up the best cycle I have ever run results-wise.
BiggieSwolls said:
Thank you SC. Question: Would you recommend using garlic tabs while using arimidex/liquidex to help the profiles from getting too messed up? Did your Doc give you any info on this?

My doc doesn't know I cycle, so it never came up.....but I would highly recommend garlic tabs for preventitive measures, certainly can't hurt anything.
RoadHouse said:
Prop/Tren/Winny, no liquidex

Sure but you sound like someone who doesnt hold much water on test. Major difference with me. Ill hold a shitload on as little as 250 mg/wk so arimidex is needed for me in a cutter IMO.
StoneColdNTO said:
My doc doesn't know I cycle, so it never came up.....but I would highly recommend garlic tabs for preventitive measures, certainly can't hurt anything.

Ya Im just wondering if the gralic tabs can be preventive with the arimidex in the body. From your experience theres definitely a chance that they help while off the arimidex but Im just wondering if its a waste while using it. Then again, garlic tabs cant be too expensive so your right, it cant hurt.

But just wondering if they can act in a "preventive" manner.
With 700mg of TNE a week, i dotn hold too much water, so I guess your right, but of course if your doing a contest, Im sure some sort of anti-a is necassary, although when i run tren at high doses (100mg ed or more) I seem to drop a lot of water weight even while running test over 500mg a week.
RoadHouse said:
With 700mg of TNE a week, i dotn hold too much water, so I guess your right, but of course if your doing a contest, Im sure some sort of anti-a is necassary, although when i run tren at high doses (100mg ed or more) I seem to drop a lot of water weight even while running test over 500mg a week.

Also, I may be way off base here, but I found that the last time I used Adex, areas where I normally hold estrogen related fat tightened up significantly. Now these arent just areas that were water inflated, there was definitely fat there. And when I went off the Adex, I did notice that those areas filled up again. At least it was noticable to me, maybe not others.

I guess what Im trying to say is through my experience, it seems possible to me that the Adex helped me lose not only water but also some estrogen related fat.

What do you think?
to answer the question, Tamoxifen will help to improve the profile if taken at a low dose along with arimidex.
So the use of A-dex in conjuction with nolva will help lessen the effects on the lipid profile? Is this correct? Would like to know......heart disease runs in my family and I don't need my good cholesterol going down at all.