Little help here might have a problem.


New member
All right new here. Looked around the forum but didn't see a definitive answer to the question I had. I've been injecting mixed 1CC sus 1CC tren in my right shoulder for three weeks now one injection a week. Last night did the same thing but this time my whole left shoulder began to swell and got rock hard red and irritated within hours. Upon waking up this morning there is a rock hard lump about a inch in diameter the whole area is red heated and sore as all heck. I'm using all sterile un open needles which are 23G 5/8 along with proper alch prep procedures and a separate draw needle as well. I know on this injection the needle was not deep at all which makes think I injected the gear IM. But the swelling and rigidity came on fast and strong. I'm planning on procuring antibiotics tomorrow. What do you guys think it is or I should do. Btw I'm not exactly in a position where I can just waltz into a doctors office or ER and explain this.:insane: I don't wanna lose my arm. Pretty freaked out here.
man im telling , I had a post on this a while back ... I had the exact same thing happen numerous times , and has happened numerous times to others on this site . I wont say for sure yet that its NOT infection ... however this has happened to me when injecting before . Injected quads , swole up , got red and a red patch grew downward from injection site , was hot , felt hard and knotted In the area and the pip was brutal ... I wondered what it was because my procedure was flawless as far as I could see . Anyways , it took a few days and went away slowly . I think at one point gear was dosed at 400mg/ml ( pretty high) , that's what was doing it for me .
- Whats the stuff dosed at ? id bet if its high that's ur problem , and ull be fine . At one point took me a week almost to heal .
Id say before jumping on antbiotics give it a wait out . for a couple days . I believe if it could be that and it WILL be just fine . if however it lasts more then a week ... then id see the doc for antibiotics . But yeah , its happened to me no doubt and it was fine .
just so u can see and relate , that was my personal experience ... but just type in "red injection site" in the search on this site , and ull see how many similar posts of the exact same thing has happened ... but still take precaution in case , id say give it a week , and if its not gone , take the next step .
just so u can see and relate , that was my personal experience ... but just type in "red injection site" in the search on this site , and ull see how many similar posts of the exact same thing has happened ... but still take precaution in case , id say give it a week , and if its not gone , take the next step .
Yea I ran all thought this site before joining and asking my own specific question. Also I figured it wouldn't hurt to get ALOT more knowledge on what exactly I'm doing here.
Sounds like you been injecting the same spot a lot. I usually don't inject more than 1 cc into my delts either. Maybe switch it up?
This stupid thing won't let me post a pic but it is secreting a clear fluid steadily from a dime sized purple spot rounded by red irritation. It feels better today and looks a LITTLE better. But still rock hard and tender.
Where to begin... Your pinning sust once a week? That needs pinned every other day. Not sure what ester tren your running but either way your pinning that wrong too. Tren e twice a week, tren a eod if not every day. 5/8 pins and your worried about IM injections? U should be using a one inch pin to insure a IM injection. Can't keep pinning the same spot all the time. No bueno..

With all that said, I'm betting u don't know much about ai's, dopamine antagonists or pct.

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This stupid thing won't let me post a pic but it is secreting a clear fluid steadily from a dime sized purple spot rounded by red irritation. It feels better today and looks a LITTLE better. But still rock hard and tender.

Go to see a doctor and get it looked at.