Long Live Culter

marcus has shoulders enough to shadow his chest. ronnie is a freak..yes....but he won enough and i'm getting tired of him...and besides..he faps to his trophies way too much already
Ronnie should compete in powerlifting. I don't think he should be bodybuilding anymore. How old is he, 42?

I am a pimp in my free time :D

Not at the level of BH yet. But hey at least I have some dignity and look like a human being
Jay went on to beet Ronnie at least 2 out of 3 at the Grnad prix, I have not heard how the third day went. No taking anyhting away from them they are both great, but it is Jay's time. He was massive.

As far as how Ronnie was after the show he was relaxed as always as was Jay. I know this due to being with a couple of the competitors that were with them after the show. And yes Jay is way to dark
Sorry Bro's,
I loved Haney in his Days!! Dorian during his Reign!! I'm at a complete and utter loss right NOW!!! The Taller, more vascular and less titty looking chest should Win!!! Not a big fan of Jay, when I would imagine Ronnie could bench him for reps or make him a brownbag afterlunch snack!! Ronnie is and will continue to be, "The More Massive MotherF'er"
He should have been the recipient of the most recognized reign in BB history but little revenue and media hype would have been gained from this expected result!! $$$ are to be made if Ronnie is willing to come back after the donkey punch decision!!! Ideal is and always should be the taller, most muscular and ripped dedicated bodybuilder WINS.... Ronnie shouldn't have lost!!! My .02 but I'm sure w/ backing!!!
I know Jay deserves "Mad Respect" for his dedication and transformations but truly can't compare w/ Ronnie in any other realm than those looking to make dollars from Ronnie's "COMEBACK" in 2007, when I already know the score!!!
Ronnie has the greater atributes!! Ronnie should've WON!!!! Jay needs to realize shorter men should tap out!!
Ronnie got jacked!

Man, looking at those comparisons Ronnie looks better to me. He appears to be a touch bigger, more vascular and harder looking than Jay. The abs and thigh shot and lat spread go to Jay and they both look about the same in the rear double bicep. I guess you really don't have to knock out the champ to win because Jay was not better looking to me but congrats to him anyway. :nonono2:
I was at the show and got to hang out with the competitors and prejuding and finals in Weider's booth. Ronnie got screwed!! I noticed his calf was a little off as was his tricep. My wife noticed the lat, but I did not. In person Ronnie was the clear winner. Even sporting the injuries he was bigger, leaner, drier, and better conditioning all around than Cutler. Im not a Ronnie supporter, but if the judges are going to try to call this a sport there has to be a standard. The last 20+ years it is the guy that is the biggest, leanest, and the most dry. Thats it. Jay was given a hand out. He was sick leading up to the show. Everything was off and he came in to the show more than 10 pounds lighter than where he had aimed. He was holding water and was very flat and not impressive at all. If you want to give it to a prettier, more classical proportioned bodybuilder then it shouldve been Victor Martinez. He looked incredible.